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"Strong criticism" of manager who hired sons

The municipal manager who employed her sons has been in conflict of interest, engaged in misconduct and against the rules. Now a "serious conversation" awaits”.
– We have made an overall assessment, says Kenth Olsson, Head of Education.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 14 maj 2021
Kenth Olsson, Head of Education.
Kenth Olsson, Head of Education.Foto: Lars Ottosson

The municipal manager has worked in the school area for the East. The manager hired her own two sons for various jobs. She has also ordered goods from a company where her brother holds an important role.

The Children and Education Administration has now come to the conclusion that the manager has been in conflict of interest in both cases. She should have informed the Head of Schools, Åsa Hallén Olofsson, before the decisions were made.


The two sons are no longer employed.

”This is a matter of misconduct”
Kenth Olsson, Head of Education

The investigation states that the manager "engaged in misconduct and acted against the rules".

– I take this very seriously, says Kenth Olsson.

– The employer will have a serious conversation with the manager and express strong criticism about the behaviour. This is a matter of misconduct. If the misconduct happens again, she risks losing her job.

According to the investigation, the Head of Schools, Åsas Hallén Olofsson knew about the purchase and employment of one of the sons.

Kenth Olsson has also decided to carry out an inventory of the Children and Education Administration to see if any close relatives have been employed. The inventory will be complete by the end of May.

In addition, everyone in the administration will be given training on conflict of interest.

Matti StenrosenSkicka e-post
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