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More and more pupils infected in 0-9 classes in Kristianstad

More and more pupils in Kristianstad have been infected with covid-19. Whole classes have had to be sent home to check the spread of infection.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 7 maj 2021
A lot of schools have posted notices telling people to keep their distance. Infection in the lower age groups has increased during the past weeks.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

More and more infections have been reported from 0 - 9 schools in Kristianstad during the past month. At the start of the year there were around 29 new cases per week. The last two weeks have had an average of 88 cases.

”It has spread downwards to the younger age-groups”
Ulrica Capion, the education committee

Här saknas innehåll

It is mostly pupils who have been infected, but also some staff members.


– We had a peak before Christmas when the spread of infection was high. At that time it was mostly upper high school pupils who became ill. Upper high schools still account for the biggest proportion of infections, but it has spread downwards to the younger age-groups, says Ulrica Capion from the education committee.

According to Region Skåne there has been a marked increase in the number of infections among ten- to nineteen-year-olds.

If the infection spreads in a school, what do you do?

– We follow the recommendations from Smittskydd Skåne and go out with information to pupils, parents and school staff that they have been exposed to the infection. If you have been exposed to infection, you ought to be tested. It is up to us to give information, but the responsibility for being tested lies with each individual person, says Ulrica Capion.


Here you can find information about covid-19 in several languages

National telephone for covid-19 in twelve languages, including English, Arabic and Somali. At the number 08-123 680 00 you can get answers to general questions on the spread of infection, testing and vaccination against covid-19. The line is open on weekdays between 9 am and 3 pm.åne/ has information in several languages. Here you can book a covid-19 test or vaccination against covid-19.(for 18 - 59-year-olds).

Vaccination begins on 17th May for people between 50 and 59.

Henrik NordellSkicka e-post
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