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Rådrum answers your questions remotely

Rådrum is not open for visitors, but during the corona pandemic you can have your questions answered remotely. ”To give advice online is a flexible way of adapting to the way things are just now”, says Yaser Alkafri.
Kristianstad/Bromölla • Publicerad 14 maj 2020
Yaser Alkafri works at Rådrum. He gives new arrivals information and help with how to pay bills, for example, or how to apply for relatives to come to Sweden, and other practical advice.
Yaser Alkafri works at Rådrum. He gives new arrivals information and help with how to pay bills, for example, or how to apply for relatives to come to Sweden, and other practical advice.Foto: Tommy Svensson

We must all still follow recommendations to have as few social contacts as possible. So Rådrum has chosen to answer questions by telephone or online.

Yaser Alkafri works at Rådrum. He thinks it is important that everyone who needs help can get it even during the corona pandemic.


– Giving people advice online is a flexible way of adapting to the way things are just now, says Yaser Alkafri.

Once the situation is back to normal Rådrum will return to its ordinary opening-times.

In the meantime everyone living in Kristianstad and Bromölla can get in touch with Rådrum as follows:

By telephone: Tuesdays from 12 till 3 pm and Wednesdays from 11 till 1 pm and 2 till 4 pm.

Telephone: 046-320052


Rådrum replies to mail Monday–Friday.


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