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Thumbs down for police office in Gamlegården

On April 1st, 12 people had signed the petition for a police office in Gamlegården. However, there are no plans for an office but "we need a long-term effort from various authorities", says the municipal police.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 9 april 2021
Foto: Tommy Svensson

Last spring, the association "Together for Kristianstad" (Tillsammans för Kristianstad) interviewed people who live in Gamlegården. Ulf Johansson, one of the initiators, says that the survey revealed that most people wanted a police office. More police presence would increase security.

The association started an online petition collecting signatures for a police office, open 24 hours. On April 1st, 12 people had signed the petition.

”Police presence can be positive. But having many police officers in a small area can be perceived as insecurity”
Martin Thornell, Municipal police

Ulf Johansson lived in the area for 30 years but moved from there in 2011. The area is close to his heart.

The shootings last year were a wake-up call.

– The first goal is to create security for those who live here and their children. That’s why the police are needed here. The second is to give young people hope for the future; that it pays to go to school and to get an education.

There is a mobile police unit that moves around in different places, where there is a need. It’s better than opening a police office in Gamlegården, thinks Martin Thornell.
There is a mobile police unit that moves around in different places, where there is a need. It’s better than opening a police office in Gamlegården, thinks Martin Thornell.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Municipal police Martin Thornell says that people appreciate the police's work in the area. This is shown in the police's safety survey.

But there are no plans for a police office in Gamlegården.

– I don’t think it would be sustainable. Police presence can be positive. But having many police officers in a small area can be perceived as insecurity.

Här saknas innehåll

Municipal police officers Martin Thornell and Malin Sjöblom are at the scene in Gamlegården after the shooting in autumn 2019.
Municipal police officers Martin Thornell and Malin Sjöblom are at the scene in Gamlegården after the shooting in autumn 2019.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

– We have police in Gamlegården. It’s shown in our safety survey, says Martin Thornell.

He says that there are many who work together. This is what creates security in an area.

– The police work with the municipality and other actors to make people feel safe. We need long-term work from different authorities.

Emilia StålhammarSkicka e-post
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