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Group collecting names – would like community police officer

The Tillsammans för Kristianstad (Together for Kristianstad) group works for a safer Kristianstad. One of the things it wants is a community police officer at Gamlegården.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 6 april 2021
The Tillsammans för Kristianstad group works for a safer Kristianstad. One  thing the group wants is a community police officer at Gamlegården.
The Tillsammans för Kristianstad group works for a safer Kristianstad. One thing the group wants is a community police officer at Gamlegården.

The Tillsammans för Kristianstad group in Kristianstad wants to help to make the town a good place to live in, for ordinary people too. That is what they write on their Facebook page .


The group has published interviews with people, and different videos too. The group encourages people to express their views and thoughts through questionnaires on their homepage, and they share different articles about what is going on in Kristianstad.


Tillsammans för Kristianstad has a list of names with the demand for a community police officer round the clock at Gamlegården.

Flyers that were placed out on cars.
Flyers that were placed out on cars.Foto: privat

”We've spoken to people at Gamlegården and C4 Shopping and asked what we can do about the problem of criminality such as shootings and car fires. Most people have answered that there is a need for more local police presence and police stations, starting with Gamlegården”, the group writes on its homepage.

The group will hand over the list of names to the police.

Kb Mosaik has tried several times to get in touch with the group via e-mail, but without success.

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