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Rädda Barnen project at Näsby wants more volunteers

The 'help with homework' project at Lingenäs school in Näsby is facing an uncertain future because of a lack of volunteers.
– Despite its success the project, which offers invaluable help to children and young people who are new in Sweden , is threatened with being closed down, says Felicia Chau Nguyen.
Näsby • Publicerad 7 september 2023
Malva Hessel, volontär på läxhjälpsverksamheten och Felicia Chau Nguyen, processledare.
Malva Hessel, volontär på läxhjälpsverksamheten och Felicia Chau Nguyen, processledare.Foto: Simon Rehnström

At a time when integration and education are a focal point in the community, Rädda Barnen's ”help with homework” project at Näsby has become something of an example.The project, which started in the autumn of 2022, helps pupils with homework and gives them language support. But now it is faced with a crisis.

– At present we're trying to find more volunteers. Our impression is that children and young people living at Näsby have limited resources, and so it would be a tragedy if the 'help with homework' project were to be closed down. This question threatens to put an end to the project, says Felicia Chau Nguyen, process leader and volunteer co-ordinator at Rädda Barnen.


– Our method is simple but effective. We help children with their homework, our aim is to boost the children's learning by providing a time for quiet reflection so that they can then make progress in their studies. It's all about building bridges between cultures and supporting the children's future potential, Felicia Chau Nguuen goes on.

Barn överallt behöver stöd, och vi som samhälle måste se till att de får det,” säger Felicia Chau Nguyen.
Barn överallt behöver stöd, och vi som samhälle måste se till att de får det,” säger Felicia Chau Nguyen.Foto: Simon Rehnström

The project operates once a week, on Wednesdays between 13: 30 and 14:30, and since it began it has grown into a group of 16 pupils. The work focuses mostly on reading, maths and vocabulary training with the children, and making everything as simple as possible.

The children taking part in the project come from widely different backgrounds - some have recently arrived in Sweden and have a different native language, while others come from families with limited resources to support them in their studies.

– We're talking about a large number of children who came to Sweden just a few years ago. Our role is to provide the children with tools to enable them to meet the future in the best possible way, says Felicia Chau Nguyen.

För många, som Malva, har detta arbete varit en väg in i en ny karriär och ett sätt att hitta en djupare mening med sitt arbete.
För många, som Malva, har detta arbete varit en väg in i en ny karriär och ett sätt att hitta en djupare mening med sitt arbete.Foto: Simon Rehnström

The future of the project now depends on interest from the local community and new volunteers who are prepared to give of their time. It is an investment that not only pays for itself by giving the children support in their learning, but also creates a stronger and more integrated community,

– It isn't just about getting on in school. It's about increasing self-confidence letting the children feel that they can make a success of things and that they are valuable members of society. , says Malva Hessel, one of the volunteers at the 'help with homework' project.

The volunteers who take part in the scheme not only get the chance to help develop the future of the children, they also have the opportunity to develop themselves, both personally and professionally. For many people, as for Malva, this work has opened the door to a new career and a way of finding a deeper meaning in their work.

– I feel that this work is rewarding, being close to children and helping them made me seriously consider beginning to study the necessary subjects to become a teacher., says Malva Hessel.

– It's something that simply can't be described, when our lesson is over we take a break, have some fruit and talk about everything under the sun, says Malva Hessel.

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