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A&E department at CSK is the best in Skåne

The Accident and Emergency department (A&E) and paediatric A&E at CSK have scored the highest out of the larger A&E hospitals in Skåne. The scores are given by patients in what is known as the National Patient Survey (NPE).
Kristianstad • Publicerad 16 mars 2021
Matilda Bergman, Kristin Thomassen and Christian Pettersson shared an Instagram post on how they can work with children at CSK.
Matilda Bergman, Kristin Thomassen and Christian Pettersson shared an Instagram post on how they can work with children at CSK.Foto: Regkion Skåne

– This is great, we’re really pleased about this, says Christine Karström, Operations Manager for the paediatric A&E at the Central Hospital in Kristianstad (CSK).

– There are quite a lot of questions. But we can see that we have improved the most in terms of participation and information. And that we’ve scored highly on accessibility, she says.

A poster at the paediatric A&E.
A poster at the paediatric A&E.Foto: Region Skåne

Participation means that the children and their parents feel involved in the care they receive, they’re able to participate and make decisions, and they also receive a lot of information.

There is a goal in terms of accessibility. That is, it should take a maximum of four hours from the time you come in as a patient until you’re taken up to the ward – or are discharged. We hit the target in 97 per cent of the cases.

What do you do at the Paediatric A&E to get such good figures?

– The staff have been working together since we opened this new Paediatric A&E in 2017, says Christine Karström.

The A&E department at CSK, Kristianstad. Daniel Knutsson, Jenny Persson and Johan Österman on their way with the heart machine. (Archive photo.)
The A&E department at CSK, Kristianstad. Daniel Knutsson, Jenny Persson and Johan Österman on their way with the heart machine. (Archive photo.)Foto: Tommy Svensson

Caroline Nilsson, Operations Manager for the adult A&E is also pleased with the result:

– It feels great, especially when the survey was taken in 2020. The staff have had an extremely intense year, like everyone else. But the A&E was the first port of call. It has ensured that the covid infection wasn’t brought into the hospital.

– We have had a lot of help from our patient council who have given us advice on things we need to work on.

– We have also been clearer about why patients have to wait and how long we think it will take, even if we can never be sure.

In terms of accessibility, the adult A&E has referred patients within 4 hours, 75 per cent of the time. The goal is 80 per cent. CSK is still the best among the five 24-hour A&E hospitals in Skåne.

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