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Two dead in retirement home

Two people who were confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus have died in retirement homes in Kristianstad. The municipality does not want to disclose how many elderly people are infected.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 7 april 2020
Foto: TT/Kristianstadsbladet

Over a week ago, a person died in one of the municipality's retirement homes. The person was found afterwards to have been infected with covid-19.

The municipality then allowed for more people to be tested and in several cases the tests were positive. However, the Head of the Care Administration Camilla Gärdebring did not want to disclose any further information, citing patient confidentiality.

Här saknas innehåll


Now another infected elderly person has died. According to information given to Kristianstadsbladet, it’s at the same residence as the first death.

– I can confirm that another person who was confirmed to be infected with corona has died. But I cannot comment on whether it’s at the same accommodation, with reference to privacy and patient confidentiality, says Camilla Gärdebring on Monday morning.

– I can confirm that there are several people who are infected, but not how many and where they are, says Camilla Gärdebring.

Här saknas innehåll

Här saknas innehåll

Matti StenrosenSkicka e-post
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