
Five dead at one retirement home

Another person infected with the coronavirus who lived at a retirement home in Kristianstad died this weekend. Staff at the residence have also been found to be infected with covid-19.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 15 april 2020 • Uppdaterad 16 april 2020
Foto: Elisabeth Berg/Trelleborgs Allehanda

– It’s incredibly sad that the infection has taken hold at this residence, says the Head of the Care Administration Camilla Gärdebring.

A total of five people have died from covid-19 at the same residence over the past three weeks.


– It's very sad for the people involved and a very stressful situation for the staff working there, says Camilla Gärdebring.

Camilla Gärdebring.
Camilla Gärdebring.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

Här saknas innehåll

Even staff at the retirement home have been found to be infected with the coronavirus.

– Some of the staff have been tested. We have staff who have confirmed covid-19 and we have co-workers with symptoms.

On Thursday, 41 per cent of the permanent staff were absent.

– It would be preferable if all employees with symptoms at this residence were tested.

What are you doing now?

– We’re doing what we've been doing all along. We’re following our basic hygiene routines, limiting staff who work with those infected, we’re using protective equipment and we’ve had a visiting ban in place for a few weeks, says Camilla Gärdebring.

Matti StenrosenSkicka e-post
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