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Two women suspected of being drugged at pub this weekend

Several women have reported to the police that they were drugged in Kristianstad.
At least two women have been taken to hospital.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 19 september 2023
The police have classified the incidents as assault.
The police have classified the incidents as assault.

The police were called to a bar in the centre of Kristianstad on Friday evening. A woman in her 20s was taken into custody under the Care of Intoxicated Persons Act.

– While in custody, she told the police that she had been offered a drink by an unknown man. She suspects that the drink was laced with something, says Thomas Johansson.


A similar fate befell another woman of the same age. She was sitting outside the pub, noticeably under the influence when the police were called.

– She started to feel unwell and someone called the police. She was checked by paramedics and then taken to hospital, but was able to leave the hospital shortly afterwards, says Thomas Johansson.

Another woman was taken to hospital after she suspected that she had been drugged. In this case, the woman suspected that she was drugged at a residence.

A police patrol was flagged down by a woman on Saturday night. She explained that she saw a woman collapse on Christian IV's street. The woman felt extremely unwell. It is suspected that she had been drugged in this case too.

Mikael HallqvistSkicka e-post
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