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Top municipal executive quits: Couldn't say no to a "golden opportunity"

Mattias Larsson will step down as Financial Director for Östra Göinge municipality at the end of the year.
He got "an offer he couldn’t refuse".
– A golden opportunity, explains Larsson.
Östra Göinge • Publicerad 12 oktober 2022
Mattias Larsson slutar vid årsskiftet som ekonomichef i Östra Göinge kommun.
Mattias Larsson slutar vid årsskiftet som ekonomichef i Östra Göinge kommun.Foto: Östra Göinge kommun

He assumed his current position on August 16, 2019, after taking over from Oscar Nilsson who left to become Finance Director in Kristianstad municipality.

It was actually Nilsson who recruited Mattias to Östra Göinge municipality in 2017. At that time he was working as an economist at Eslöv municipality (school and leisure), which is where he will be returning to.


– I'm going to be the Financial Director in my home municipality of Eslöv, says Mattias Larsson.

But it was not an easy decision to make. Larsson explains that he has enjoyed himself a great deal in Östra Göinge municipality, but removing the commute from the equation tipped the scales.

– I commute 2.5 hours a day, says Larsson.

He knew last summer that Eslöv's Financial Director, Tomas Nilsson, would retire (Jan Tingecz is now acting director), but thought nothing more of it.

But then one day Mattias was contacted by a recruiter who wondered if he would apply for the position.

– A golden opportunity. Opportunities like this don't grow on trees, states Mattias Larsson.

I tre års tid har Mattias Larsson varit ekonomichef i kommunen.
I tre års tid har Mattias Larsson varit ekonomichef i kommunen.Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT

Previously, his family situation worked reasonably well because his wife was studying. But now she also works fulltime, and that places new demands on their work-life balance.

However, Mattias will remain in his current position in Östra Göinge until the end of the year (subject to holiday considerations) and will start his new job on January 2. He will, however, be available for questions and help during a transition period for whoever takes over Mattias' position in Östra Göinge.

– Just like Oscar did when I was new to the position here, says Mattias and continues:

– The biggest change in Eslöv will be working with committees. I have really enjoyed working in Östra Göinge, if there were any questions or concerns, the politicians in charge walked a few metres down the corridor and we’ve discussed the matter. And it has been resolved immediately. It is with great difficulty that I have made the decision to leave. I know what I have, but not what I’m getting.

Carl-Johan LiljedahlSkicka e-post
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