Tilda is fighting for free menstrual products at school – first dispensers in place
– I just got a call from a school in Karlshamn who were wondering how we did it. Now they are also going to buy dispensers, says Tilda Bondesson.
”This is a topic that concerns many people,”Tilda Bondesson
It all started with a regular school assignment, writing a debate article.
– I got the idea when I was talking to some friends. This is a topic that concerns many people, she says.
The debate article was about the inequality that girls face, both in terms of worries and costs and which boys don’t have to face. The teacher thought it was so good that he sent it in as an opinion piece to Norra Skåne.
The proposal attracted a lot of attention from various media outlets and politicians. It became a topic of discussion.
Now the request for free menstrual products in school is starting to take effect. Anne Henrichson, Principal at Thorén Framtid in Hässleholm, thinks it was a good proposal.
”Tilda Bondesson's proposal was both sensible and feasible.”Anne Henrichson, Principal
– Students' proposals for school improvements are often about sweets in lessons, wearing caps indoors or dessert every day. Tilda Bondesson's proposal was both sensible and feasible.
Här saknas innehåll
– We have informed pupils that the products are there for emergency use during school hours, so that it is not abused, says Anne Henrichson.
Tilda Bondesson has talked to politicians in Östra Göinge, Hässleholm, Kristianstad and Osby about her proposal.
In Hässleholm, local politicians have campaigned for the introduction of free menstrual products in schools. A counter-argument was that there are no "free" menstrual products, and that society will have to bear the cost instead of private individuals.
– I got this response from Östra Göinge as well, but in Kristianstad it seems a little more positive, says Tilda.
She continues to update her Facebook page and an Instagram account about the matter.
What kind of response have you received?
– Only positive, especially from my school and from other students.
Read more on FB / Insta: Search for "Gratis mensskyd” (Free menstrual products)