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Ten voices – ten dreams

Football pro, architect, paediatrician, teacher - and get rich. These were some of the answers the children at After School gave when they interviewed each other.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 6 april 2022 • Uppdaterad 7 april 2022
Architect, pharmacist, doctor, paediatrician. Dream jobs for Asra Almudhi, Gina Allabidi, Alma Abuzarad and Marwa Nammuna.
Architect, pharmacist, doctor, paediatrician. Dream jobs for Asra Almudhi, Gina Allabidi, Alma Abuzarad and Marwa Nammuna.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

After School has exciting and creative activities and outings for children in classes 3-6. Last year After School won 100,000 crowns in a prize from Region Skåne for their excellent cultural initiatives for children.

Kb Mosaik met nine children and leaders at After School. They were able to try out being journalists. They interviewed one another in pairs, about where they go to school, what their best subjects are, what they do in their spare time and – not least – what dreams they have.

Alexander Magnusson, children's librarian, thinks it is good that the children taking part have to work on their language. ”It's good ton show that we take the language seriously”,  he says.
Alexander Magnusson, children's librarian, thinks it is good that the children taking part have to work on their language. ”It's good ton show that we take the language seriously”, he says.Foto: Sofyan Aswad
”Why? is a good question to ask,” says Inga-Lill Bengtsson about her work as a journalist.
”Why? is a good question to ask,” says Inga-Lill Bengtsson about her work as a journalist.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

1. Gina Allabidi is ten, and goes to Fröknegårdskolan. She likes maths.In her spare time she lays mostly with her telephone,likes Facebook and Tiktok. ”My dream is to be a pharmacist”.

Marwa Nammuna

2. Marwa Nammuna is ten, and a pupil at Lingenässkolan. She enjoys Swedish in school, to learn the language. In her free time she likes playing out of doors and thinks meeting her friends is fun. ”I dream of being a paediatrician, to help children in the world”.

Gina Allabidi

Gina Allabidi, Marwa Nammuna, Alma Abuzarad and Asra Almudhi.
Gina Allabidi, Marwa Nammuna, Alma Abuzarad and Asra Almudhi.Foto: Sofyan Aswad
Alexander Magnusson, children's librarian, and Hassan Ali are leaders for After School.
Alexander Magnusson, children's librarian, and Hassan Ali are leaders for After School.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

3. Asra Almudhi is ten, and goes to Lingenässkolan. She likes music, and plays the guitar and the piano. She plays with her cousins in her spare time. She dreams of becoming an architect. ”I want to design fine houses”.

Alma Abuzarad

Gina Allabidi dreams of being a pharmacist.
Gina Allabidi dreams of being a pharmacist.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

4. Alma Abuzarad is ten, and is in the music class at Fröknegårdskolan. She likes music, sings in a choir and plays the keyboard. She plays with her neighbours when she is free. Alma's dream is ”to be a doctor, so that I can help all the people who are ill”.

Asra Almudhi

Hassan Ali, Gina Allabidi, Marwa Nammuna, Asra Almudhi and Alma Abuzarad.
Hassan Ali, Gina Allabidi, Marwa Nammuna, Asra Almudhi and Alma Abuzarad.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

5. Robin Wiklund is eleven, and a pupil in the music class at Fröknegårdskolan. His idols are Avicii and Michael Jackson, ”I've listened to music all my life”. Robin would like to write his own songs, amd dreams of a career on stage.

Omar Hamshado


6. Omar Hamshado is nine and goes to Lingenässkolan. He thinks maths is fun, and enjoys working with figures. In his spare time: ”I like building with Lego, for it feels as if you're building proper things”. He dreams of becoming a youtuber and rich.

Robin Wiklund

Robin Wiklund wants to be a songwriter, Omar Hamshado dfreams of being a youtuber and getting rich.
Robin Wiklund wants to be a songwriter, Omar Hamshado dfreams of being a youtuber and getting rich.Foto: Sofyan Aswad
They both like maths, and want to be professional footballers, Farah Zeayd Sami and Sultan Samer..
They both like maths, and want to be professional footballers, Farah Zeayd Sami and Sultan Samer..Foto: Sofyan Aswad

7. Sultan Salem is eight and goes to Lingenässkolan. His favourite subject is maths, he thinks counting is fun. ”My dream is to be a professional footballer like Messi and win gold in the world championships”.

Farah Zeayd Sami

8. Farah Zeayd Sami is ten and is a pupil at Lingenässkolan. His best subject is maths – ”I'm good at counting”. His dream is to be a football pro.

Sultan Salem

Farah Zeayd Sami and Sultan Samer like the same things. This was clear when they interviewed each other.
Farah Zeayd Sami and Sultan Samer like the same things. This was clear when they interviewed each other.Foto: Sofyan Aswad
Leader Hassan Ali and Masa Taieb both like drawing
Leader Hassan Ali and Masa Taieb both like drawingFoto: Sofyan Aswad

9. Hassan Ali is 23 and goes to Österänggymnasium. His best subject is art. ”I've enjoyed drawing since I was a child”. In his spare time he likes football, and dreams of becoming an engineer or an architect.

Masa Taieb

10. Masa Taieb is ten, and a pupil at Lingenässkolan. Her favourite subject is art, ”I love drawing”. In her spare time she likes going to After School. ”I dream of being a teacher, and of getting rich”.

Hassan Ali

What do you like doing in your spare time? Why? Masa Taieb asks Hassan Ali, one of the leaders at After School.
What do you like doing in your spare time? Why? Masa Taieb asks Hassan Ali, one of the leaders at After School.Foto: Sofyan Aswad
Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
Så här jobbar Mosaik Kristianstadsbladet med journalistik: uppgifter som publiceras ska vara korrekta och relevanta. Vi strävar efter förstahandskällor och att vara på plats där det händer. Trovärdighet och opartiskhet är centrala värden för vår nyhetsjournalistik.