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Sofyan Aswad: Sofyan Aswad: Do something, don't just complain or be a passive onlooker

In a world where criminality can cut deep into the community, is it every citizen's duty to ask: How can we work together to combat criminality and promote justice?
As a Swedish citizen I have had the chance to reflect about both the effects of criminality on the community and the effectiveness of our judicial system.
Sofyan AswadSkicka e-post
Kristianstad • Publicerad 16 juni 2023
Sofyan Aswad
Detta är en personligt skriven text i Mosaik Kristianstadsbladet. Åsikter som uttrycks är skribentens egna.
Sofyan Aswad
Sofyan AswadFoto: Sofyan Aswad
””The effects of criminality are much more far-reaching than the impact on the immediate victim - it reaches into our hearts and creates a gap between us as citizens."”
Sofyan Aswad

In the area where I work, criminality, in the form of thefts, vandalism and shootings, has steadily increased, These offences can seem unimportant in the situation as a whole, but they generate an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear.

It is difficult to avoid the feeling that bonds in the community are growing weaker and weaker when we isolate ourselves behind locked doors and surveillance cameras. The effects of criminality are much more far-reaching than the impact on the immediate victim - it reaches into our hearts and creates a gap between us as citizens.


This is where the fight against criminality plays a crucial role. It is not only up to the police to keep the community safe, it is also our collective responsibility to be on our guard and play an active part. Neighbourhood co-operation and mutual support are important tools in building strong, safe communities.

By working together we can limit the opportunities for criminals to operate behind the scenes and create a world where security and justice are key principles.

At the same time it is important to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our judicial system. Wemust be observant that we assure fairness and justice for both the victim and the suspect. It is a balancing act to guarantee that the guilty person is brought to justiíce while the innocent party is protected from unfair measures.

Tillsammans kan vi kämpa för en rättvisare och tryggare framtid, där brottslighet inte får övertaget och där rättssystemet fungerar effektivt för oss alla.
Tillsammans kan vi kämpa för en rättvisare och tryggare framtid, där brottslighet inte får övertaget och där rättssystemet fungerar effektivt för oss alla.Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT
”We need political leaders who give priority to these questions and see to it that the fight against criminality and the judicial system are high on the agenda.”
Sofyan Aswad

One of my personal experiences is when a friend was the victim of a crime of violence. The pain and fear he suffered affected not only him but also our close friendship.

That moment of worry and confusion led me to try to find a deeper understanding of the legal system and its strengths and weaknesses. By taking part in the public debate and being an active citizen I realised how important it is not to be a passive onlooker but to take responsibility for making changes.

We need political leaders who give priority to these questions and see to it that the fight against criminality and the judicial system are high on the agenda.

We must make demands for increased resources for the police, better education and equipment and a fruitful dialogue between the authorities and ordinary citizens. We must also work towards reducing differences in society and create opportunities for everyone to live a meaningful and dignified life.

To round off, let us not forget that it is we as citizens who shape the community. By being aware of our rights and obligations we can take responsibility and make a difference.

Together we can fight for a future that is fairer and safer, where criminality is not allowed to take the upper hand and where the judicial system works effectively for all of us.
