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Rolf Tillman is a guest on TV4 - with a Ukrainian refugee

The Chernobyl Committee and TUFF have already donated 80,000 crowns to Ukraine. On Thursday morning, they will appear on TV4.
Östra Göinge • Publicerad 30 mars 2022 • Uppdaterad 31 mars 2022
Rolf Tillman har bjudit in ukrainska barn till Tjernobyllägret i Broby i nästan 30 år. En del av Brobybesökarna slåss nu mot Vladimir Putins Ryssland.
Rolf Tillman har bjudit in ukrainska barn till Tjernobyllägret i Broby i nästan 30 år. En del av Brobybesökarna slåss nu mot Vladimir Putins Ryssland.Foto: KB-NSk/TT

Rolf Tillman, founder of the Chernobyl Camp in Broby in 1995, and Ira Nikitina, a Ukrainian refugee, will participate in TV4’s program Nyhetsmorgon (Morning News) at the studio in Stockholm on Thursday morning at 8.45 am.

Här Ira Nikitina till höger vid pysslet.
Här Ira Nikitina till höger vid pysslet.Foto: Cajsa Bengtsson

TV4 has previously spoken to Ira (full name Irina) who, at the time, explained that she intended to stay in Ukraine instead of fleeing the country. The decision was motivated by the knowledge that her husband, Yakov, was not allowed to leave Ukraine (men between the ages of 18-60 years old and who do not have three or more children are forced to stay).


The situation in Ukraine has become untenable and Ira now lives in an apartment in Knislinge. The newspaper has been in touch with 37-year-old Ira since 24th February. At that time, she was at home - just outside Borodyanka, 40 km west of Kyiv, before fleeing to a safer place within the country.

The Chernobyl Committee and members of the public in Östra Göinge are doing a great job of welcoming the 100 or so Ukrainian refugees who now live in the municipality.

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