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Recruitment on Thursday: "Our hope is that several will get summer temp jobs”

The municipality has had a difficult time getting hold of summer temps. Now they hope that the recruitment fair on Thursday will remedy the situation.
Östra Göinge • Publicerad 8 februari 2023
Camilla Eneroth, arbetsmarknadskoordinator, hoppas att många kommer till torsdagens rekryteringsmässa.
Camilla Eneroth, arbetsmarknadskoordinator, hoppas att många kommer till torsdagens rekryteringsmässa.Foto: Osby kommun

During autumn 2022, Kompetensa (Osby municipality) realised that it was hard to find summer temps for the municipality's operations within elderly care and LSS, for example. The idea of organising a fair to recruit staff and meet the municipality´s need was then born.

– During the process of signing a new agreement between Osby municipality and the Job Centre (Arbetsförmedlingen), we started planning a recruitment fair together, writes Camilla Eneroth from Osby municipality in an email to Kb/NSk.


On Thursday, it is time. Jobseekers are welcome to the second floor at Borgen in Osby between 1-4pm. Representatives from both the municipality and the Job Centre will be on site to meet and greet, answer questions and hopefully match employers with potential employees.

– We hope that many will come and meet the employers that are looking for staff. Our hope is that several of them will get summer temp positions within Osby municipality. As the Job Centre will be there, there is also a possibility to match job seekers with other types of job outside the municipality's operations.

The Job Centre has several contacts within the business community and can match individuals for work in industry, warehouses and other places, so they are happy to take CVs on the spot to match you with work, writes Camilla Eneroth.

In particular, the target group here is aimed at those who are looking for work in cleaning, the municipality's diet unit, LSS and elderly care this summer. But there are also other possibilities.

Visitors are asked to bring a CV and some form of ID. There is promise of coffee and entrance to the fair is free.

Marcus EnochssonSkicka e-post
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