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Plans for new school in Åhus being considered

After criticism of the poor indoor quality at Rönnowskolan the municipality is now going to re-examine whether a new school in Åhus is necessary.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 11 september 2023
I samband med rivningen av gamla Sånnaskolan påbörjades en större omorganisation av skolorna i Åhus.
I samband med rivningen av gamla Sånnaskolan påbörjades en större omorganisation av skolorna i Åhus.

When the demolition of the old Sånnaskolan in Åhus was started, it set in motion an extensive reorganisation of the schools in Åhus.

Ronnöwskolan was to be replaced by new buildings, but the cost was too high for the decisionmakers, and plans were changed to carrying out an extensive renovation. instead. But several years on, still nothing has happened.

I början av sommaren lämnade ett 40-tal anställda på Rönnowskolan in en skrivelse om den dåliga arbetsmiljön.
I början av sommaren lämnade ett 40-tal anställda på Rönnowskolan in en skrivelse om den dåliga arbetsmiljön.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

At the beginning of the summer about 40 people who worked at Rönnowskolan sent in a complaint to the education department pointing out deficiencies in the 116-year-old premises.

The biggest problem is the ventilation, but it is also a question of generally run-down rooms. But in spite of protests and several municipal meetings where it was decided that a number of measures should be taken before the start of the autumn term, nothing has happened during the summer.

The teachers' union Sveriges Lärare sent in a request for something to be done to the workplace environment authority, a so-called 6:6a,demanding that something be done to improve the ventilation. So far they have not received any reply.

Bildsalen har fått flytta in i gymnastiksalen.
Bildsalen har fått flytta in i gymnastiksalen.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

– There should be a stronger ventilation fan on the roof and more ventilation holes in the walls. At present we have five rooms that lack ventilation completgely, but nothing is being done about it, says Kajsa Gavelfält,the school's safety officer.

She criticises the fact that nothing of what has been confirmed at a number of meetings has been attended to.

– We're not saying we must have a new school, but we need rooms where pupils are comfortable and where there are adequate conditions for teaching - where we can give the pupils what is best for them.

Karolina AlfredssonSkicka e-post
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