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Mingle over Osby's future – municipality wants to hear your ideas

Do you know what is best for Osby's future? You now have a chance to submit your ideas to the municipality’s decision-makers.
Residents are invited to mingle at the Municipal Hall on August 30.
Osby • Publicerad 14 augusti 2023
Osbygräv, Osby kommun
Osbygräv, Osby kommunFoto: Sofia Åström

In July, the Planning and Community Development Board presented a proposal on the municipality’s development vision up until 2040. The aim is that the blueprint will provide answers to a various questions, for example, how to best use the municipality’s land, or where housing developments and industries should be built.

– I expect and really hope that we will receive many responses to this. So people don’t come afterwards and say ”why didn't you do this or that”. Bring your thoughts and ideas now! This is your chance to really weigh in, said Lotte Melin (C), Chairperson of the Planning and Community Development Board, in an earlier interview with the newspaper.

Lotte Melin (C), ordförande i samhällsbyggnadsnämnden, ser fram emot många svar på planen.
Lotte Melin (C), ordförande i samhällsbyggnadsnämnden, ser fram emot många svar på planen.Foto: Agnes Malteson

In an attempt to get closer to citizens, the municipality is now inviting the public to a consultation meeting from 3–7 pm on Wednesday 30 August at the Municipal Hall. There will then be an opportunity to meet and put questions to representatives behind the proposed blueprint.

You can also read the consultation document digitally and submit your views by email. The blueprint is out for consultation from 16 June to 17 September 2023.

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