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Many tenants lack confidence in K-Fastigheter: 'Catastrophe'

There is widespread dissatisfaction among K-Fastigheter's tenants. Many are not satisfied with either the quality of the flats or the concern's client relations.
– I've never encountered anything so bad before from any landlord, says Eva Bergström from Gävle.
Hässleholm • Publicerad 21 april 2023
Jacob Karlsson K-Fastigheter
Jacob Karlsson K-Fastigheter

K-Fastigheter promise high-standard, high-quality flats.The publicly-listed Hässleholm concern also says it shows engagement and respect when dealing with its tenants, and is on hand to handle any problems that may arise.

Kb/NSk has spoken to a large number of tenants, from Malmö to Gävle, who give a completely different picture of what it is like.

K-Fastigheters VD och grundare Jacob Karlsson.
K-Fastigheters VD och grundare Jacob Karlsson.Foto: Simon Rehnström

During the past few years several of them have moved into flats which had not been cleaned and which had serious faults - although they were newly-built.

– I've lived in many places, but I've never encountered anything as bad from any landlord, says Evalotta Bergström.

She moved into a newly-built flat in Gävle in the summer of 2022 but she and several of her neighbours soon moved out again.

Evalotta Bergström describes damage to walls and floors, dust from the construction work in the oven, shelves that were not level and a toilet which became blocked and all of a sudden started to bubble.

Evalotta Bergström flyttade in i en nybyggd lägenhet i Gävle med flera brister. Hon säger att K-Fastigheter är den sämsta hyresvärden hon har haft.
Evalotta Bergström flyttade in i en nybyggd lägenhet i Gävle med flera brister. Hon säger att K-Fastigheter är den sämsta hyresvärden hon har haft.Foto: Privat

Last autumn the newspaper wrote about a family in Älmhult with three children whose newly/built flat turned into a nightmare experience.

One evening in August the family's six month old son woke up crying. His room was full of cigarette smoke.The baby, who has asthma, had difficulty in breathing and had swollen up, according to the article in Smålänningen.

En boende på Stenskeppsvägen i Kristianstad, vid C4 Shopping, säger att det finns fuktskador i trapphusen.
En boende på Stenskeppsvägen i Kristianstad, vid C4 Shopping, säger att det finns fuktskador i trapphusen.Foto: Privat

The family said the smoke had come in through the ventilation system. Despite the fact that K- Fastigheter promised to deal with the matter immediately, nothing happened for a month, the family said. so they decided to move out.

A tenant at C4/Shopping in Kristianstad has a similar complaint. There is a lot of damage from damp on the stairs and nothing has been done about it.

It is as if dampness comes from the ceiling and the walls in the staircase. There is something wrong with the construction when things like this happen.

Several of the tenants return to the same theme K- Fastigheter appear to want to expand so quickly that they don't give any thought to the people who are going to live in their flats.

Flera hyresgäster berättar om att de har haft återkommande problem med stopp i toaletten.
Flera hyresgäster berättar om att de har haft återkommande problem med stopp i toaletten.Foto: Privat

– K- Fastigheter build and build and build, but they forget about the maintenance that is needed. They hand over the keys, then they no longer have any responsibility and they just disappear, says a woman who lives in one of K- Fastigheter one/level flats in Kristianstad.

– We moved in, and then they more or less disappeared off the face of the earth, says a tenant in Malmö.

Flera hyresgäster har vittnat om att det uppstår sprickor i deras lägenheter.
Flera hyresgäster har vittnat om att det uppstår sprickor i deras lägenheter.Foto: Privat
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