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Man convicted of buying sex – "I didn’t know it was illegal"

The sex purchase took less than a quarter of an hour. As soon as the Kristianstad resident left the hotel room, he was arrested by police. "I didn’t know it was illegal," he said when he was questioned by police.
Kristianstad/Göteborg • Publicerad 6 maj 2021
The man from Kristianstad paid 1,000 crowns for the sex purchase. When the man was arrested at the hotel, the money was documented by the police.
The man from Kristianstad paid 1,000 crowns for the sex purchase. When the man was arrested at the hotel, the money was documented by the police.Foto: Ur polisens förundersökning

At the beginning of the year, the police in Gothenburg were surveilling outside a hotel where prostitution was taking place.

Several men have been prosecuted or convicted for buying sex at the hotel in Gothenburg – one of them is a 24-year-old man from Kristianstad.

”I didn’t know that it was illegal. If I had known, I would not have bought sex. This is the first time I’m buying sex”
The man when he was questioned by police

On January 30th, the 24-year-old arranged a meeting with a prostitute. He had contacted her via a website. He paid the woman 1,000 crowns for sex.

According to the police report, the man was in the hotel room for less than a quarter of an hour. He was arrested immediately afterwards by the police. The man confessed on the spot.

Här saknas innehåll

– I didn’t know that it was illegal. If I had known, I would not have bought sex. This is the first time I’m buying sex, said the man when he was questioned by police.

Gothenburg District Court has now sentenced the man to a 10,000 crown fine.


The Sex Purchase Act

The Sex Purchase Act bans the purchase of sexual services. It is a crime to buy sexual services, but not to sell them.

The law came into force on 1st January 1999.

Sweden became the first country in the world where it was illegal to buy sex even though it is legal to sell.

Martin SöderbergSkicka e-post
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