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Health centre's campaign to improve lifestyle

Näsby health centre, along with the public dental service and Coop, got together to carry out a project centred on lifestyle.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 27 oktober 2021
Wafaa Barakat fick hjälp av Louise Nilsson att boka tid för sin första vaccinspruta.
Wafaa Barakat fick hjälp av Louise Nilsson att boka tid för sin första vaccinspruta.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

The project started when Näsby health centre was chosen as one of eleven health centres in the pilot project. All 40-year-olds in the area were invited to come along and take part in discussions on lifestyle.

– The people who come to us at Gamlegården centrum have their blood-pressure and blood-sugar level checked, they are weighed and are given information about lifestyle, says Louise Nilsson, who works at the information centre and is a nurse at the Näsby health centre.

Sjuksköterskan Malena genomför en blodtrycksundersökning. Dietisten Felix Vikingsson står i bakgrunden.
Sjuksköterskan Malena genomför en blodtrycksundersökning. Dietisten Felix Vikingsson står i bakgrunden.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

– We make appointments for vaccinations against corona and seasonal influenza. It's important to be here, where the level of vaccination is very low, especially among younger people here at Gamlegården.

Interpreter Abdi Mukhtar is there as well. He is on the spot to help with translation into Arabic and Somali. His ordinary job is at the health centre too, to help people who have not yet learnt Swedish.

Abdi Mukhtar har jobbat som tolk på heltid i 5 år.
Abdi Mukhtar har jobbat som tolk på heltid i 5 år.Foto: Lasse Ottosson
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