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Go-ahead for security guards in Hanaskog - approved by police

Östra Göinge municipality has been given the go-ahead to use security guards in central Hanaskog.
The police have approved an application from the municipality.
Östra Göinge • Publicerad 20 december 2022 • Uppdaterad 22 december 2022
Östra Göinge får lov att använda ordningsvakter i Hanaskog.
Östra Göinge får lov att använda ordningsvakter i Hanaskog.Foto: Tim Aro/TT

Early in the autumn the municipality applied for permission to create a so-called paragraph 3-area in all of the bigger communities in the municipality. This means that they have the right to use security guards within a certain area. Security guards have a greater right to take action than what ordinary guards have.

So far in Östra Göinge only Broby has been approved to use security guards. But now the police have given Hanaskog permission as well.


A security guard has the right to remove or turn away persons who disturb or endanger public safety.

– This is good news for Hanaskog, and now I hope that we will get approval for the other oommunities as well. Using security guards is primarily a precaution and is intended to reduce unrest in the communities and increase safety for residents in Göinge. It must feel safe to be out and about in all of our communities, says Patric Åberg. (M), chairman of the municipal council.

The three communities who have not yet replied to the police enquiry are Glimåkra. Knislinge and Sibbhult.

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