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Full timeline of the amphetamine ring’s road to trial: this has happened

The preliminary investigation – called "Cuba" – was properly launched on March 16, 2021.
The police photographed, wiretapped and followed a number of people. Mainly Kristianstad residents.
Now the trial, which is expected to last about 60 days, is starting.
Four prosecutors and up to 20 lawyers will be involved; plus the 15 accused, the judges and audience members.
Northeast Skåne • Publicerad 14 december 2022
29-åringen från Bromölla kommun erkänner att han varit kurir.
29-åringen från Bromölla kommun erkänner att han varit kurir.Foto: Polisen

February 12, 2021.

The 41-year-old Kristianstad resident is suspected of having been sent, by others in the drug ring, to Åhus and the area outside Ica to make a drug deal. 8.5 kilos of amphetamine will have been handed over to the 37-year-old west coast resident.


March 4, 2021.

The 41-year-old Kristianstad resident is suspected of having been sent to Osby, the area outside Coop. About 30 kilos of amphetamine is handed over to the 37-year-old west coast resident, according to the police's investigation.

Den misstänkte storköparen, västkustbon, nekar till de mesta av anklagelserna mot honom.
Den misstänkte storköparen, västkustbon, nekar till de mesta av anklagelserna mot honom.Foto: Polisen

March 7, 2021.

A larger amount of amphetamine is believed to be handed over to a buyer in Stockholm.

March 16, 2021.

The police seriously start their efforts to map and surveil the people who are suspected of being part of a giant drug ring. The preliminary investigation is named "Cuba" and the suspected crime in question is exceptionally gross narcotics offence.

De 15 åtalade. De fyra Kristianstadsborna (minus den äldre brodern), är de som åklagarsidan menar varit de mest involverade i amfetaminnätverket.
De 15 åtalade. De fyra Kristianstadsborna (minus den äldre brodern), är de som åklagarsidan menar varit de mest involverade i amfetaminnätverket.Foto: Grafik: Kb/NSk

In addition to surveillance, the police are given permission to use so-called secret coercive measures. This means, for example, CCTV surveillance, secret data collection and that the police are allowed to collect information regarding the suspects call history as well as wiretap certain calls.

Här påstår åklagarna att det lastas kilovis med narkotika i Norje, utanför Sweden Rock-området. En 48-årig helsingborgare stoppas sedan i Gårdstånga med bakluckan full av knark – men säger sig inte vetat vad som varit i bakluckan och att ha blivit tvingad att köra lasten.
Här påstår åklagarna att det lastas kilovis med narkotika i Norje, utanför Sweden Rock-området. En 48-årig helsingborgare stoppas sedan i Gårdstånga med bakluckan full av knark – men säger sig inte vetat vad som varit i bakluckan och att ha blivit tvingad att köra lasten.Foto: Polisen

March 20, 2021.

The 41-year-old Kristianstad resident is stopped while driving outside Helsingborg. On the same day, the 41-year-old notifies the other main suspects from Kristianstad in the ring via the Anom app: "They went through everything" and "There’s something very fishy going on. They expected to find something.”

Uppskattningsvis 30 kilo amfetamin hittades vid husrannsakan i västkustbons förråd.
Uppskattningsvis 30 kilo amfetamin hittades vid husrannsakan i västkustbons förråd.Foto: Polisen

April 2, 2021.


News that the encrypted Sky Ecc app used by the ring to communicate has been deciphered reaches them through various media. They decide to leave the drug house in Osby. The new drug factory will be in a stable building in Blekinge, which the police will begin intensive surveillance on soon after.

40-åringen och 39-åringen (längst bort i bild) äter på spansk restaurang.
40-åringen och 39-åringen (längst bort i bild) äter på spansk restaurang.Foto: Polisens förundersökningsprotokoll.

March 25, 2021.

The 37-year-old west coast resident and entrepreneur is stopped and arrested at the Gårdstånga interchange. Earlier in the day, civilian police saw two large bags loaded into his Tesla in central Kristianstad. The two Kristianstad residents: the 41-year-old and the 39-year-old are said to have met the west coast resident here. According to the police, the bags contained almost 90 kilos of narcotics.

På hotellrummet poserar Kristianstadsborna med tjocka sedelbuntar.
På hotellrummet poserar Kristianstadsborna med tjocka sedelbuntar.Foto: Polisen

March 27, 2021.

The police surveil the house in Osby and believe that a 30 litre amphetamine oil delivery is taking place. A guy, who is later ruled out as a suspect, arrives with oil at the house. During questioning, he says that he did not know what kind of oil it was. “I drove there and just dropped it off.”

Den 41-årige Kristianstadsbon.
Den 41-årige Kristianstadsbon.Foto: Polisen

April 6, 2021.

Under a complicated reconnaissance operation, the police follow a 24-year-old woman from Blekinge and a 29-year-old man from Bromölla municipality as they drive a suspected drug delivery to the Stockholm area. At an industrial area, detectives see black bags transferred from the car that is suspected of delivering drugs, to another car. The man in that vehicle – a 38-year-old from Stockholm – is followed and he is arrested near his home. The police estimate that over 50 kilos of narcotics, mostly amphetamines were in his car. In the 38-year-old's residence, quantities of other drugs are seized.

Väskorna i västkustbons bil. Innehållet ska ha varit nästan 90 kilo amfetamin och polisen tror att det överlämnats av 41-åringen och 39-åringen inne i centrala Kristianstad.
Väskorna i västkustbons bil. Innehållet ska ha varit nästan 90 kilo amfetamin och polisen tror att det överlämnats av 41-åringen och 39-åringen inne i centrala Kristianstad.Foto: Polisen

April 10-13, 2021.

The house in Osby is being cleaned. An ex-couple, aged around 55, are being watched by the detectives; the woman is the one who owns the property. The ex-couple are holding a dustpan and loading things onto a trailer which is driven away.

May 24, 2021.


A suspected drug transfer is made outside the Sweden Rock area in Norje. The detectives claim to see the 29-year-old from Bromölla municipality load several boxes and bags into another car – a Hyundai, which is then stopped at the Gårdstånga interchange. A 48-year-old Helsingborg citizen is identified as the driver. According to the police's calculations, there are approximately 55 kilos of amphetamine in the trunk.

Nyheten om att krypteringsappen Sky Ecc knäckts sprids.
Nyheten om att krypteringsappen Sky Ecc knäckts sprids.Foto: Polisen

June 7, 2021.

Within the framework of what has been called Operation Trojan Shield, a large number of coordinated house searches and arrests are carried out in 16 countries. Over 800 people are arrested.

November 29, 2022.

Charges and material from the preliminary investigation are brought in – about 17,000 pages. 13 people are charged with exceptionally gross narcotic offences. The majority of the defendants have been locked up in custody for over 1.5 years.

Stallbyggnaden/ladan på Listerlandet misstänks ha blivit knarkligans tillverkningsställe, efter att huset i Osby övergivits. Polisen spanare hittar snart dit.
Stallbyggnaden/ladan på Listerlandet misstänks ha blivit knarkligans tillverkningsställe, efter att huset i Osby övergivits. Polisen spanare hittar snart dit.Foto: Polisens förundersökning

December 12, 2022.

The trial starts in a secure courtroom in Malmö. Before the trial began, notice was given that the negotiating timetable includes 58 days spread over many months.

Three prosecutors and up to 20 lawyers will participate during the negotiations. For example, the 40-year-old identified as the ringleader will have two lawyers.

Mängder av beslag gjordes hemma hos 38-åringen i Stockholmsregionen.
Mängder av beslag gjordes hemma hos 38-åringen i Stockholmsregionen.Foto: Polisen
Den misstänkte föraren har stoppats på E22:an vid avfarten till Gårdstånga.
Den misstänkte föraren har stoppats på E22:an vid avfarten till Gårdstånga.Foto: Polisens förundersökning
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