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Distance learning for classes 7-9 in Kristianstad

Classes 7-9 in Kristianstad municipality start the spring term with distance learning, as Smittskydd Skåne (infectious diseases control authority) has recommended.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 8 januari 2021
Kenth Olsson på den pressträff som kommunen höll när misstankarna mot barnskötaren uppdagades i augusti.Foto: Bosse Nilsson

On Friday forenoon Kristianstad municipality went out with the information that pupils in classes 7-9 will be taught by distance until Friday, 22nd January.

”We have a responsibility not only for education, but also for reducing crowding in public transport and schools”
Director of education Kenth Olsson.

– This means that from the start of the term there are 6,000 pupils in Kristianstad municipality who will be taught by distance, says director of education Kenth Olsson.


– We have a responsibility not only for education, but also for reducing crowding in public transport and schools. When the recommendation is for full distancing until 24th January, then that's what we'll do, says Kenth Olsson.

This does not apply to pupils in special schools, and headmasters in the municipality can also make other exceptions for pupils who really need to be in school.

Sofyan AswadSkicka e-post
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