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Court of Appeal confirms judgement – childhood friend murdered Emilia

It was the 22-year-old man, one of Emilia's childhood friends, who murdered her, the Court of Appeal confirms. He has been sentenced to 14 years' in prison, the same as he was sentenced to in Kristianstad District Court. ”They're greatly relieved”, says lawyer Christina Davéus, who has represented Emilia's family.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 23 april 2021
Photos from the remembrance ceremony for Emilia at the town square in Tollarp, and from one of the days of the trial at Kristianstad District Court when the 22-year-old was at the scene in Tollarp.
Photos from the remembrance ceremony for Emilia at the town square in Tollarp, and from one of the days of the trial at Kristianstad District Court when the 22-year-old was at the scene in Tollarp.Foto: KB

20-year-old Emilia Lundberg disappeared on 22nd November 2019. Eleven days later she was found lying dead in the water in Vramsån.

In January 2021 Kristianstad District Court sentenced Emilia's childhood friend, a man now aged 22, to 14 years' imprisonment for murder. That is the most severe punishment he could be given, since he was under 21 when the murder took place.

”I'm pleased, of course. The Court of Appeal, just like the District Court, shares my assessment as regards the question of guilt”
Kristina Amilon, District prosecutor
Emilia Lundberg was found dead in Vramså river on 3rd December, eleven days after her disappearance.
Emilia Lundberg was found dead in Vramså river on 3rd December, eleven days after her disappearance.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

The District Court established that the 22-year-old murdered Emilia Lundberg in or near Vramså river the same day as she disappeared. He slashed and/or stabbed her upper body several times. She either bled to death or drowned as a result of being stabbed.

The Court of Appeal is of the same opinion as the District Court, that it is proved beyond reasonable doubt that the 22-year-old committed the crime.

Här saknas innehåll

Emilia was wearing this wig when she disappeared. It was found in the home of the 22-year-old.  The Court of Appeal does not believe that he bought it from her.
Emilia was wearing this wig when she disappeared. It was found in the home of the 22-year-old. The Court of Appeal does not believe that he bought it from her.Foto: Ur polisens förundersökning

The Court of Appeal confirms the sentence handed down by the District Court. The 22-year-old will serve 14 years in prison and must pay a total of 180,000 crowns to Emilia's family.

– They're greatly relieved. Buft that doesn't give them their daughter back, says Christina Davéus, counsel for the plaintiffs.

Photo of the condolence book in Västra Vram church the evening Emilia's body was found.
Photo of the condolence book in Västra Vram church the evening Emilia's body was found.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

District prosecutor Kristina Amilon says:

– I'm pleased, of course. I've read through the verdict. The Court of Appeal, just like the District Court, shares my assessment as regards the question of guilt.

The 22-year-old man has never admitted the crime.

Martin SöderbergSkicka e-post
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