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Chilled food is to be introduced for elderly people

Chilled food once a week instead of warm food every day. This has been tried out on elderly people who get food delivered to their homes. Now the system is to be introduced for everyone. But the politicians are divided on the issue. S sees it as a clear deterioration in quality.
Publicerad 24 november 2022
Kyld mat för leverans en gång i veckan införs i omsorgen.
Kyld mat för leverans en gång i veckan införs i omsorgen.Foto: Växjö kommun

People who get cooked meals delivered by the municipality have until now had warm food delivered to the door every day, either by the home help service or by taxi.

But for eighteen months the municipal care department has tested chilled food, where all the portions of food for a week are delivered once a week. The politicians have now decided to introduce the system for all clients who get help with meals and those who want to get chilled meals.


Help with meals means that besides the delivery of meals, the client also gets help to heat up and plate the food, for example.

One argument from the care department has been that chilled, vacuum-packed food retains its nutritional value better, and it reduces stress for staff when they do not have to drive around with food that has to be kept warm.

But the Socialdemokrater and Vänsterpartiet on the care committee opposed the decision. S had hoped for a general improvement in quality and a review of the total situation for elderly people when chilled food was introduced, but this has not been carried out, according to the party.

Sofyan AswadSkicka e-post
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