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Business expert Susanne-Kikki helps new concerns to get started

Susanne-Kikki Israelsson has one clear objective - she wants to help new businesses to get started. Nyföretagarcentrum - the centre for new businesses - even offers free advice about business planning and budgeting.
– Our aim is to develop more new businesses and make sure that they thrive, says Susanne -Kikki.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 5 september 2023
Susanne-Kikki Israelsson är affärsutvecklare och rådgivare på Nyföretagarcentrum.
Susanne-Kikki Israelsson är affärsutvecklare och rådgivare på Nyföretagarcentrum.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

Starting a business from scratch is seldom easy. It requires a good idea, hard work and a proper understanding of the world of business. And this is where Susanne-Kikki Israelsson comes into the picture.

She has spent seven years in Shanghai and eighteen months in Tokyo, as well as having been in other towns all over the world.


Susanne-Kikki describes her meetings with people and cultures from different parts of the world as enriching and a help in letting her understand the changes that are always going on in the community.

Nyföretagarcentrum erbjuder kostnadsfri och konfidentiell rådgivning till dig som funderar på att starta företag eller precis har startat eller vill ta nästa steg i ditt företagande, säger Susanne-Kikki Israelsson.
Nyföretagarcentrum erbjuder kostnadsfri och konfidentiell rådgivning till dig som funderar på att starta företag eller precis har startat eller vill ta nästa steg i ditt företagande, säger Susanne-Kikki Israelsson.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

– We're like one big family here at Nyförretagarcentrum, and we give support to people who want to start up on their own at every stage in the process. Our aim is to develop more new businesses which are viable. So we want to help right from the beginning, so that they get off to a good start., Susanne--Kikki says, and goes on:

– My work is more than just a job - it's a chance to help businesses in Kristianstad to develop.

Her role covers everything from helping people who are just starting up to fill in forms, to drawing up effective business plans and realistic budgets.

The centre provides a wide range of services, including free help with business planning and budgeting - a service which can be costly if purchased from auditors or private concerns.

– What makes Nyföretagarcentrum different is that all this expertise and advice is available completely without charge.

De flesta nyanlända har svårt att registrera och starta ett företag i Sverige. Det är en del av vår mission att göra processen så smidig och kostnadseffektiv som möjligt, säger hon.
De flesta nyanlända har svårt att registrera och starta ett företag i Sverige. Det är en del av vår mission att göra processen så smidig och kostnadseffektiv som möjligt, säger hon.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

Susanne-Kikki's passion for her work does more than just help new businesses to get started. She is determined to make sure that they get the best chances to be successful in the long run.

– A lot of new arrivals here find it difficult to find their way in the process of registering and starting up a business in Sweden. It's ofgen complicatecd, and it can be expensive, especially for someone who has just. arrived in Sweden, she tells us.

But she doesn't see this as a barrier, more as a challenge to be overcome. It is part of our task to make the process as effective and economical as possible.

Israelsson har rest och arbetat runt om i världen, och bott i såväl Shanghai som Tokyo. Hon anser att hennes erfarenhet av att arbeta i olika kulturer berikar hennes arbete i Nyföretagarcentrum.
Israelsson har rest och arbetat runt om i världen, och bott i såväl Shanghai som Tokyo. Hon anser att hennes erfarenhet av att arbeta i olika kulturer berikar hennes arbete i Nyföretagarcentrum.Foto: Sofyan Aswad
Sofyan AswadSkicka e-post
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