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'Basketball plays a big part in equality, equal opportunities and inclusion in the community'

Mohamed Alsebai was looking for a new job as trainer – and landed in KFUM Kristianstad Basket, Kristianstad. He wants to do his best for basketball.
– I want to take it to the very top, says Mohamed Alsebai.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 23 november 2021
”The number of children and young people who play basketball is growing year by year, and in spite of the pandemic the club is stronger than ever.”
”The number of children and young people who play basketball is growing year by year, and in spite of the pandemic the club is stronger than ever.”Foto: Layali Alsebai

In KFUM Kristianstad Basket Sami Hafez is head trainer and Mohamed Alsebai assists him in training KFUM C4 Kings Hu0809.

The team has made great progress compared to previous years. And they have not lost a single match against any of the teams they have met.


Mohamed Alsebai began his career as a trainer fairly recently. He used to play in a junior class in the same club. He says basketball is not a popular sport in Kristianstad.

– There are other sports that are more firmly rooted than basketball in the hearts of people in Kristianstad.

– But the number of children and young people who play basketball is growing year by year, and in spite of the pandemic the club is stronger than ever. We have fun and get the children accustomed to handling a ball, develop their coordination and teach them to cooperate with the other children.

In KFUM Kristianstad Basket Sami Hafez is head trainer and Mohamed Alsebai assists him in training KFUM C4 Kings Hu0809.
In KFUM Kristianstad Basket Sami Hafez is head trainer and Mohamed Alsebai assists him in training KFUM C4 Kings Hu0809.Foto: Layali Alsebai

KFUM C4 Basket in Kristianstad has a highly qualified sports staff. Mohamed would like to create a professional youth team to compete with the other towns and make a name for itself nationally.

– I love basketball, and I want to do my best and really go in for it, I want to play and to train others as well. The young people I coach have great potential, they just need to be a bit stronger to be more professional.

Mohamed Alsebai started to play basketball in Syria when he was young. His love for the game grew after he had played in a First Division match in Syria.
Mohamed Alsebai started to play basketball in Syria when he was young. His love for the game grew after he had played in a First Division match in Syria.Foto: Layali Alsebai

– If you're planning to be a professional basketball trainer you have to know how to drive your team forward and build it up properly.

Mohamed Alsebai started to play basketball in Syria when he was young. His love for the game grew after he had played in a First Division match in Syria.

– Basketball is a game for everyone, with players at all levels, from the lowest to the highest. A ball, a net and some friends, that's all you need, irrespective of the time of year or of economic conditions.

”I think sport is one of the easiest ways to find an opening into the Swedish community. You meet and talk to people of different ages and from different cultures.”
”I think sport is one of the easiest ways to find an opening into the Swedish community. You meet and talk to people of different ages and from different cultures.”Foto: Layali Alsebai

Mohamed says the club provided him with a good opportunity to be able to become integrated in the Swedish community.

– I think sport is one of the easiest ways to find an opening into the Swedish community. You meet and talk to people of different ages and from different cultures.


– There are children who have never in their life spoken to anyone who is not Swedish, and who know nothing at all about immigrants. For many of their families I was the first Arab they had spoken to. Basketball plays a big part in equality, equal opportunities and integration in the community.

”I don't just train them in basketball, I try to change that hobby into a game they love and want to keep on with.”
”I don't just train them in basketball, I try to change that hobby into a game they love and want to keep on with.”Foto: Layali Alsebai

The team trained by Mohamed won over all the other teams in Skåne. He says the team's level has improved , even although it was high to begin with. All the young people in KFUM C4 Kings Hu0809 are ambitious.

– Being a team's trainer isn't easy, especially when you are dealing with young people. You have to understand how they think and try to find the right way to give them information.

– I don't just train them in basketball, I try to change that hobby into a game they love and want to keep on with.

Mohamed Alsebai
Mohamed AlsebaiFoto: Layali Alsebai

What ambitions do you have in your sport?

– First, as a player, I want to continue my career at the highest possible level, and as a trainer I work hard to help talented young players who love basketball and prepare them to play at a high level where they can compete and win championships.

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