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Associations join for common cause – invite people to Culture Days this autumn

Anyone who thinks that nothing ever happens in Hässleholm has not been looking in the direction of the Cultural Centre (Kulturhuset).
The autumn programme has been released and is packed with events for both the youngest and the oldest – right up until Christmas.
Hässleholm • Publicerad 12 september 2023
I det fullspäckade programmet ryms minst sagt kultur i alla dess former.
I det fullspäckade programmet ryms minst sagt kultur i alla dess former.Foto: Sofia Åström

On Thursday, August 24, the Cultural Centre and several of the city's active associations invited the public to mingle and to present this autumn's cultural program – at the Cultural Centre itself.

– I think it is a very broad and varied programme and there is something for everyone. Especially for children and young people, says Catharina Hjalmarsson, Cultural Developer/Programme Manager at the Culture and Leisure Administration.


The extensive program accommodates culture in all its forms, to say the least.

Delar av föreningsgänget från minglet. Marcus Frennemark (teaterföreningen), Christer Hansson (jazzklubben), Lena Bäckström (konstföreningen), Annica Hansson Borg (Hässleholms Filmstudio), Samuel Ek (jazzklubben), Liga Lagzdina (MedVind).
Delar av föreningsgänget från minglet. Marcus Frennemark (teaterföreningen), Christer Hansson (jazzklubben), Lena Bäckström (konstföreningen), Annica Hansson Borg (Hässleholms Filmstudio), Samuel Ek (jazzklubben), Liga Lagzdina (MedVind).Foto: Sofia Åström

Quite simply, the Cultural Centre will be hosting events several times a week this autumn – right up until the New Year. The events have been organised by local associations, the municipality, and external organisers.

– We have several great premises available if you want to organise an event here in Hässleholm’s Cultural Centre. There is a possibility to book and rent a premise if it is available. The idea is that it is a centre where it is possible to book several events, says Catharina Hjalmarsson.

Föreningsgänget hoppas på 3 000 besökare till Kulturdagarna.
Föreningsgänget hoppas på 3 000 besökare till Kulturdagarna.Foto: Sofia Åström

One of the latest and most noticeable additions this autumn is that Hässleholm will have its own ”Culture Days”.

Several of the city’s associations took the initiative, joined together for a common cause and are inviting the public for a weekend packed with different types of culture from 28 to 30 September.

Shima Niavarani och The Real Group är två exempel på artister som kommer till Hässleholms kulturhus i höst.
Shima Niavarani och The Real Group är två exempel på artister som kommer till Hässleholms kulturhus i höst.Foto: Sofia Åström

Culture Days in Hässleholm – September 28-30

Thursday, 28/9

19:30: Georg Riedel and Jan Lundgren, music in the Red Salon.

Friday, 29/9

19:00: QUATTRO: Per Tengstrand – Freedom of the Will, music and film in the Red Salon.

Saturday, 30/9

11:00 and 14:00: ”Allt som är mitt” (Everything That's Mine), circus theater for children in the Blue Salon.

13:00: Culture School's café concert, music in the Entrance Hall.

14:00-17:00: ”Se vår konst – barnens tid i konsten” (See Our Art – Children's Time in Art), exhibition and photo art workshop.

18:00: Malmö Opera – ”Kronbruden” (The Crown Bride), musical theater in the Red Salon.

The Art Association will have exhibitions in the gallery throughout the weekend. This includes ”See Our Art – Children's Time in Art,” a project by and for children in collaboration with MedVind and the municipality. A children's book project by local tattoo artist Felicia Witte will also be presented.

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