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160 million to prevent flooding

160 million crowns of the state grant to prevent natural catastrophes is to go to Kristianstad, MSB has ruled.
That is about a third of the total sum for the country as a whole, and it is the biggest grant the authority has handed out so far.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 7 december 2022

– This is the biggest decision we have made up till now, says Erik Bern, administrator at the Swedish Contingencies Agency.

The work of improving, extending and developing Kristianstad's protective barriers is an expensive project which is reckoned to go on for many years. The total cost amounts to about two billion crowns,, and for the next seven years alone it will cost somewhere in the region of 1.2 billion crowns.

Arbetet med Pyntens nya pumpstation påbörjades tidigare i år.
Arbetet med Pyntens nya pumpstation påbörjades tidigare i år.Foto: Mikael Persson

The high price, together with generally greater costs for the municipality, makes the state grant even more important for the work of protecting Kristianstad from flooding.

The municipality applied for a state grant before, in 2017, but the process has been long-drawn-out. Now it is settled. Kristianstad municipality is to get 160.25 million crowns from MSB to counteract the risk of flooding.

Den nya pumpstationen ska kunna pumpa 10 kubikmeter vatten i sekunden. Det betyder att kapaciteten blir dubbelt så hög som idag.
Den nya pumpstationen ska kunna pumpa 10 kubikmeter vatten i sekunden. Det betyder att kapaciteten blir dubbelt så hög som idag.Foto: Mikael Persson

This means that almost a third of the total state grants for the year for measures to prevent natural catastrophes in Sweden, 521 million crowns, is earmarked for Kristianstad.


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