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Young people’s own heroes celebrated

This year, young people are in focus when the heroes of the year are appointed. Ali Shakir and Drilon Hajdari are Project Managers for Aktive Sommar (Active Summer) in Charlottesborg. Johan Kilander is a safety patroller.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 25 november 2019
Länsförsäkringar awards the ”Hero of the Year” prize together with Kristianstadsbladet. In the photo prizewinners Ali Shakir, Drilon Hajdari, ánd John Kilander along with chairman of Länsförsäkringar Göinge-Kristianstad Göran Trobro and Renée Carlsson, communications manager. Far right: PH Winquist, former sales manager at Kristianstadsbladet.
Länsförsäkringar awards the ”Hero of the Year” prize together with Kristianstadsbladet. In the photo prizewinners Ali Shakir, Drilon Hajdari, ánd John Kilander along with chairman of Länsförsäkringar Göinge-Kristianstad Göran Trobro and Renée Carlsson, communications manager. Far right: PH Winquist, former sales manager at Kristianstadsbladet.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

The project, Aktiv Sommar in Charlottesborg is for young people in grades seven and eight. This summer, 30 young people got a summer job for two weeks taking care of the residential area.

– We appreciate the nice words. We started five years ago. It’s fantastic that it’s being noticed. But it's not just us, there’s a whole team behind the work, says Drilon Hajdari.


– This is very much appreciated by those who live in Challan. We see that it brings results. When we started, there were barely any playgrounds. Now several new associations have been formed, many young people have been given summer jobs. It’s pleasing, says Ali Shakir.

The two also work with Din Bror (Your Brother). There they talk to boys in schools to strengthen their self-esteem.

Johan Kilander has been doing safety patrols for several years. Four years ago he moved to Kristianstad and started safety walks here as well.

– When young people are out, we are out. We’re working to get more adults out on the town and for parents to take responsibility for their children when they go out, he says.

The Hero of the Year prize is awarded by Länsförsäkringar and Kristianstadsbladet. Both projects are awarded 10,000 crowns each.

Foto: Lasse Ottosson
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