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The new swimming-baths is taking shape – the building process can be followed in real time

Now the building of the new swimming-baths in Näsby can be followed on-line, via a web camera on the homepage of the municipality of Kristianstad.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 6 maj 2020 • Uppdaterad 9 maj 2020
Foto: Mikael Persson

The building process of the new swimming-baths was started in February in Näsby. It will be finished in the summer of 2022. Now you can follow the building process live via a web-camera on the home page of the municipality of Kristianstad.

The plans for the swimming-baths have been the subject of several political rows and a lot of turmoil.


The first plan was presented in 2009. At that time the plan was to renovate and extend the current Tivolibadet. In 2012 it was found that the cost would be too high.

In 2013 a new discussion was started about building a completely new swimming-baths, with eleven possible locations.

Här saknas innehåll

The web camera updates the photo every fifth minute.
The web camera updates the photo every fifth minute.Foto: Bild från Kristianstads kommun

In 2015 there were two alternatives, Barbacka and Näsby, but the politicians chose Näsby at the end of 2015. Then the price tag was 340 million krona with a yearly running cost of 18.5 million krona.

Afterwards there were many political debates. The Moderaterna and the Kristdemokraterna wanted to see another location, an issue they put forward in their campaign in the 2018 election.

In September 2019 the municipality council decided on the budget of the swimming-baths, 510 million krona. The swimming-baths will be called “Kristianstads badrike”.

Karolina AlfredssonSkicka e-post
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