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Survey: what did they think of New Year's Eve this year

Every year, millions of people all over the world celebrate the New Year. Fireworks are often the most expressive manifestation of this celebration.– It was calmer than what we had expected. On New Year's night, according to the information I received, we did not have a single rocket-related event in Kristianstad commune, says Micael Svensson, Internal Officer at the emergency services in Kristianstad.Kb Mosaik is conducting a survey with some people who live in Kristianstad and in Näsby to find out their thoughts on New Year's Eve this year.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 4 januari 2019
Zoher Alfar _ Näsby
Zoher Alfar _ NäsbyFoto: Sofyan Aswad

I don't like fireworks because they remind me of the war. Most of the children are afraid of rockets and can be exposed to injuries. We need more control over rockets to avoid chaos and dangers.

Elaf Taleb _ Kristianstad
Elaf Taleb _ KristianstadFoto: Sofyan Aswad

– I think the fireworks have become a danger to everyone. It must be organised so well that no one gets hurt. Firing rockets at people and the police is unacceptable.

Osama Khaled Mohammad _ Näsby
Osama Khaled Mohammad _ NäsbyFoto: Sofyan Aswad

New Year's Eve this year was worse than the previous year in terms of chaos and the bangs from fireworks launched from all the farms. Everyone is afraid of this. The police were on site after. 00:30. I think they should have required more regulations.

Khalil Sadiah  _ Näsby
Khalil Sadiah _ NäsbyFoto: Sofyan Aswad

I saw young people throwing fireworks at each other. I was afraid for my family then. A lot of people avoided leaving the house. Many police officers were out after midnight.

Iman Alsanji: Näsby
Iman Alsanji: Näsby

- I'm not into the idea of prohibiting fireworks, but I want everyone to be committed to not firing rockets and explosives against people and police. Fireworks are part of the celebration and joy children feel when they look at them, but they remain dangerous if used incorrectly.

Fatema Herzallah _ Näsby
Fatema Herzallah _ NäsbyFoto: Sofyan Aswad

– What happened on New Year's Eve in Näsby is unacceptable. Those in charge should be more organised and prohibit the sale of fireworks. In Budapest, the government did the fireworks and there were no problems or damages. It is unacceptable, the launching of fireworks at the police.

Sofyan AswadSkicka e-post
Mohamad KaninaSkicka e-post
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