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Rockets fired at police - two people apprehended

Police were called to Näsby during New Year's Eve. There were people who were disturbed and frightened by firecrackers and were shot at with rockets that had called the police. The police were also fired at when they arrived. The police apprehended two people, 17 and 18 respectively.
Publicerad 3 januari 2019
Foto: Peter Åklundh

On Friday, December 28th, the emergency services were exposed to rockets. They headed out to a fire in a container in Näsby. The firefighters were then fired at with rockets and could not do their job.

On Saturday and Sunday, public safety personnel, guards and people in the town were fired at with rockets by young people in connection with the response.


There were a total of about ten different cases on Saturday. Among other things, both guards and police had fireworks directed at them. A report on violent riots was also filed.

On New Year's Eve, at 7pm, the police were called to Näsby. It was people that had been shot at by firecrackers/rockets that alerted the police.

- It was firecrackers and some who shot rockets towards people. When we arrived, we were also fired at, said Anna Göransson at the police's control centre on New Year's Eve.

There were six, seven people who were involved in the firing. Two people, 17 and 18 respectively, were apprehended by the police, under Paragraph 13.

– Two people have been apprehended under Paragraph 13. They are sitting here with me and will do so until the situation has calmed down a bit, said Peter Frostlund, Internal Officer for Kristianstad police, later in the evening.

Paragraph 13 means that the police have the right to remove or evict a person from an area if they interfere with public order or constitute an immediate danger to public order.

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