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Result: 59 suspected after Rimfrost

The police have taken action against 59 suspects and carried out many searches during Operation Rimfrost. Police have found firearms, drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines and tablets. And Kronofogden (the Swedish Enforcement Authority) was able to seize watches, cars and flat-screen TVs.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 22 april 2020
Anders Olofsson, Kristianstad, Head of Local Police.
Anders Olofsson, Kristianstad, Head of Local Police.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Operation Rimfrost lasted for four days after Easter in Kristianstad and in Broby. The police took action against 59 suspects, mainly men, youths and young adults.

It’s mostly about drug crime. But also driving under the influence of drugs, people who have driven stolen mopeds or carried knives in public.

”It should be inconvenient to be a criminal in Kristianstad”
Anders Olofsson, Head of Local Police

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Eight of the 59 were arrested and questioned; four of them were detained by prosecutors. Two arrests were made after surveillance with drones which were used for the first time in the police area.

Uniformed police, civilian police, police on motorcycles and horses, police using drones for the first time in the police area) and police dogs took part in the operation.
Uniformed police, civilian police, police on motorcycles and horses, police using drones for the first time in the police area) and police dogs took part in the operation.Foto: Tommy Svensson

Head of Local Police Anders Olofsson says that many searches have been carried out: in homes, vehicles, basements and garages.

– We have had many meetings with the public and been shown appreciation. We are very pleased with the operation, says Anders Olofsson.

In connection with the house searches, Kronofogden was able to seize clocks, cars and flat-screen TVs from suspected individuals.

Operation Rimfrost is a special national response (see fact box). Anders Olofsson says that Rimfrost is a working method that they will continue to work with.

– It should be inconvenient to be a criminal in Kristianstad.

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Operation Rimfrost

Is a special national response. The aim is to curb the development of shootings and explosions. In Region Syd there is regional staff. There are four goals with Rimfrost:

Reduce shootings and explosions in criminal environments.

Reduce the number of people in criminal networks through laws and making people leave gangs.

Increase the seizures of weapons and explosives.

Increase public safety.

Birgitta MattissonSkicka e-post
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