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Police’s list of vulnerable areas: An improvement in Kristianstad

Gamlegården and Charlottesborg are still on the police's list of vulnerable areas in 2019, nevertheless the police think they have seen an improvement.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 7 juni 2019
Charlottesborg.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

The police have presented their new report on vulnerable areas. There are 60 areas in Sweden today that are vulnerable areas, compared to 61 in the previous report.

A vulnerable area is a delimited residential area where the level of education is low, unemployment is high and where criminals have an impact, for example there is open trade of drugs.


Gamlegården and Charlottesborg are on the list, but the police see that there is a change for the better.

– We see positive trends in both areas, says Anders Olofsson, Head of Local Police in Kristianstad.

– In Charlottesborg we have experienced a positive trend. Camera surveillance is one part. Another is that we have been very active in the area, he says.

What is the municipality doing to make it better in both areas?

– We are working in both areas. To make sure there are more adults out and there are activities, sports grounds and playgrounds, says Radovan Javurek (L), Chairman of the Work and Welfare Committee.

Hilda ÄrlemyrSkicka e-post
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