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Man prosecuted for using mobile phone while driving - few cases decided in court

A man in his 50s is now being prosecuted in Kristianstad District Court for using his mobile phone while driving, among other things. The new law came into effect on the 1st of February, 2018. But only a few cases have been brought before Kristianstad District Court.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 23 oktober 2019
Foto: Erik Nylander/TT

According to Kristianstad District Court, only a few cases of using a mobile phone while driving has led to prosecution. Instead, people may have been given penalty orders or fined (1500 crowns) directly on the spot by the police.

If the suspect admits that he or she has committed the crime and it is clear what the punishment is, the prosecutor can give a so-called penalty order.


SVT reports that a total of 1,075 prosecution or penalty orders were made in 2018 (eleven months) in Sweden in accordance with the new law. More than twice as many, 2341, were fined by police on the spot in the first year (twelve months).


Mobile phone ban while driving

Driving a car while using your mobile phone causes many car accidents. From the 1st of February 2018, it has been banned to use a mobile phone when driving a motor vehicle - if you are holding the mobile phone in your hand. The ban also applies to other communications equipment such as GPS.

If you violate the ban, you can be fined and lose your driving license. If you have recently got your license, you may have to retake the driving test.

Carl-Johan LiljedahlSkicka e-post
Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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