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Loaded pistol found in flat – three sentenced for serious weapon offence

The pistol was lying in a bag, ready for use, in full view in a flat. The woman who lives in the flat has been sentenced for a serious weapon offence. A 23-year-old man gave a 17-year-old the job of collecting the pistol. The woman and the man have been sentenced to prison, the 17-year-old to youth service.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 14 februari 2019
Pistol and ammunition that were found in the flat. The pistol has been used in several shootings in Kristianstad.Foto: Ur polisens förundersökning

The pistol was lying in a bag, in full view, in the beedroom. In the bag there were also 34 cartridges. The 17-year-old was given the job of collecting the bag.

The 23-year-old has previously been sentenced for attempted murder. In the summer of 2013 he shot a person in the hip in Näsby. The pistol which was found in the flat is linked to shooting incidents aimed at people on 9th September 2018 at Vemmenhögsgatan in Näsby. The district court writes in its sentence that the 23-year-old was present when the shooting took place.


The 23-year-old was the driving force behind the crime. The district court takes a serious view of the fact that he used a 17-year-old who was under age, and also had no previous convictions.

The 24-year-old woman is responsible for having the weapon in her flat without informing the police.

The 23-year-old man has been sentenced to prison for two years and five months. The woman has been sentenced to prison for one year and eleven months. Kristianstad district court writes in its sentence that they have both been responsible for having the pistol in the flat.

The 17-year-old has been sentenced for an attempted serious weapon offence to 150 hours' youth service. He sat under arrest for several weeks last autumn, so the district court judges that he has already served 125 hours.

Birgitta MattissonSkicka e-post
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