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Lekholmen night nursery celebrates with Open House

For 30 years there has been a night nursery – like a day nursery, but at night – in Kristianstad. On 24th October Lekholmen night nursery marks its 30th anniversary with an Open House. The rector, Ruzica Stanojevic, says, ”I think there are lots of people in the municipality who don’t know that there is a night nursery”.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 11 oktober 2019
Welcome to Lekholmen night nursery, J A Hedlunds väg 23 (near Östra Kommunhuset), to an Open House and celebration, between 4 and 6 pm on 24th October. Left to right: Stina Malmberg, Ingegerd Kullendorff and Ruzica Stanojevic.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

A lot of parents who work in the emergency services, in home care, in the police and in hospitals must have someone to look after their children during the night. Lekholmen night nursery never closes.

– We are the only nursery in the municipality to provide child care and leisure activities round the clock, at holidays and at night, every day of the year, says Ruzica Stanojevic, rector for school district east in Kristianstad municipality.


She thinks there is a need to inform everyone living in the municipality about the night nursery.

Lekholmen night nursery is open at Christmas, New Year and Midsummer. ”It doesn’t cost more to have a child here at night that during the day. And our staff speak several languages”, says rector Ruzica Stanojevic.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson
Here in the sofa there is often time to snuggle down with the children. Ruzica Stajonevic, Stina Malmberg and Ingegerd Kullendorf.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson
Between eight and ten children aged from one to thirteen sleep at the night nursery. They can bring along their comfort blanket and cuddly toy if they wish.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

– It doesn’t cost more to have a child here at night than during the day. And our staff speak several languages, she says.

At Lekholmen there is a nursery school, a community youth centre and a night nursery, for children between the ages of one and thirteen.

– One parent has children here until eight in the evening, another child comes every third weekend. It can be so different, says Stina Malmberg, a nursery nurse who has been there since the very beginning.

”The children sleep here. In all these years there’s perhaps been one child who hasn’t fitted in”, says Ingegerd Kullendorff, who worked at the night nursery from the very beginning.Foto: Inga-Lill Bengtsson

There is a queue for a place – the nursey meets a need.

– Nowadays a lot of parents don’t have a fixed timetable, says Ruzica Stanojevic.

– The community of today is completely different. Take shops, for example, they open earlier and stay open longer, says Stina Malmberg.

Can children bring along their own comfort blanket and cuddly toy?

– Of course they can, all three say.

The celebration will be held on 24th October, with Open House between 4 and 6 pm.

”We were a very close-knit group when we started working here, at night there were six of us”, says Stina Malmberg, a nursery nurse who worked from the start 30 years ago.
Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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