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Land and forest still dry – firefighting aircraft looking for forest fires

The heatwave is over. But the land and forests are still dry. Therefore, firefighting aircrafts are keeping a lookout over Skåne. The aircraft first flew out this weekend. On Monday, a fire outside Knislinge was monitored by an aircraft.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 2 juli 2019
The Volunteer Air Force is looking for forest fires.
The Volunteer Air Force is looking for forest fires.Foto: Andreas Blomlöf

–Firefighting aircrafts give us greater opportunity to detect forest fires at an early stage, says Ola Melin, Deputy Director of Länsstyrelsen Skåne (the County Administrative Board).

Länsstyrelsen has signed an agreement with the organisation Frivilliga flygkåren (Volunteer Air Force). The Volunteer Air Force carries out flights to look for smoke.


The flights are carried out when necessary; when there is a greater risk of fires. Flights were even made on Thursday this time around.

The weather has become cooler and there will be some rainfall.

– There is still a high risk of fires. It’s still dry deep in the ground. It takes time for the land to recover, says Frida Sjöstedt, Länsstyrelsen Skåne.

Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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