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Distance learning for students in secondary school and adult education

As of Wednesday, all upper secondary schools in Sweden will introduce distance learning. This also applies to colleges, Municipal Adult education, vocational schools and universities. Kristianstad Municipality is complying with recommendations. Teachers in Östra Göinge are waiting for a decision to be made.
Kristianstad/Östra Göinge • Publicerad 17 mars 2020 • Uppdaterad 27 mars 2020
Elever på gymnasiet och högre upp ska studera på distans. Det kom fram på en presskonferens i Stockholm. Från vänster Matilda Ernkrans, ministern för högre utbildning och forskning (S), Anna Ekström, utbildningsminister (S) , statsminister Stefan Löfven (S) och generaldirektören för Folkhälsomyndigheten Johan Carlson.
Elever på gymnasiet och högre upp ska studera på distans. Det kom fram på en presskonferens i Stockholm. Från vänster Matilda Ernkrans, ministern för högre utbildning och forskning (S), Anna Ekström, utbildningsminister (S) , statsminister Stefan Löfven (S) och generaldirektören för Folkhälsomyndigheten Johan Carlson.Foto: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

– It’s a serious situation now, says Kenth Olsson, Head of Schools in Kristianstad municipality.

– We’re following recommendations from the Folkhälsomyndigheten (the Public Health Agency of Sweden). As of tomorrow (Wednesday), distance learning will be carried out away from school premises, he says.


The decision applies to the five municipal upper secondary schools, adult education and vocational schools. So far, it’s unclear what the eight independent secondary schools will choose to do.

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”It’s a serious situation now, We’re following recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Sweden.  As of tomorrow, distance learning will be carried out away from school premises, says Kenth Olsson, Head of Schools in Kristianstad municipality.
”It’s a serious situation now, We’re following recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Sweden. As of tomorrow, distance learning will be carried out away from school premises, says Kenth Olsson, Head of Schools in Kristianstad municipality.

Around 11 am, teachers at the Göinge Utbildningscenter, GUC, (Education Centre) had not been informed as to whether Östra Göinge municipality would switch to distance learning or not.

– I am not concerned and I follow the news closely. The Prime Minister has made a strong recommendation, but we have not been informed of a decision by our principal. There are several issues hanging in the air now. Should we teachers be at the workplace or where should we be, says Jeanette Svensson Ek, teacher at GUC.

– I hope we will be informed during the day.

Later on, preschools and schools may be closed. Then there will be on-call childcare centres for staff who work in healthcare. This is what Prime Minister Stefan Löfven stated at a press conference on Tuesday.

Inga-Lill BengtssonSkicka e-post
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