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Armed robbery against jewellery store - police hunting masked robbers

A jeweller´s shop on Hesslegatan has been the victim of a robbery. Three masked perpetrators threatened personnel with an object similar to a gun. This took place around 10.15 am on Friday.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 15 november 2019
The jeweller´s shop Guldsmed Sandgren on Hesslegatan has been the victim of a robbery. Three masked perpetrators threatened personnel with an object similar to a gun at 10.15 am on Friday.
The jeweller´s shop Guldsmed Sandgren on Hesslegatan has been the victim of a robbery. Three masked perpetrators threatened personnel with an object similar to a gun at 10.15 am on Friday.Foto: Clifford Johansen

The three robbers escaped on bicycles towards the Regionmuseet, Stora torg and Östra Storgatan. Nobody was physically injured. It is unclear if the robbers took anything with them.

– We have several patrols searching for them in the area, said Jimmy Modin, Police Press Spokesman, at 10.40 am on Friday.


– We would like to get in touch with people who may have seen the robbers after the robbery, he says.

Police have cordoned off the area around Hesslegatan, which extends between Västra Storgatan and Östra Storgatan in central Kristianstad.

The police will carry out a forensic investigation and talk to witnesses.

rdoned off the area. The three robbers escaped on bicycles towards the Regionmuseet, Stora torg and Östra Storgatan.
rdoned off the area. The three robbers escaped on bicycles towards the Regionmuseet, Stora torg and Östra Storgatan.Foto: Carina Johansson
Martin SöderbergSkicka e-post
Catharina SigalaSkicka e-post
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