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Wallet robbed – chased after the robber

A person was robbed of his wallet in Broby on Sunday night. The person who was robbed and his friends chased after the robber but didn’t manage to catch him.
Östra Göinge • Publicerad 1 februari 2021 • Uppdaterad 2 februari 2021
Tom plånbok
Tom plånbokFoto: Tomas Konigsson

At 20.29, the police were alerted to a robbery that had taken place on Köpmannagatan in Broby.

– There has been a robbery. The injured party was robbed of his wallet, says Sara Andersson, police Spokesperson in Region Syd.

– The injured party and his friends then chased after the perpetrator but didn’t manage to catch him.

The police were at the scene and filed a report of aggravated theft. It is unclear how old the person who was robbed is, but they were youths.

Marcus HaraldssonSkicka e-post
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