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Stefan Löfven elected prime minister – again

Prime minister Stefan Lofven (S) resigned on 28th June.
– It's the most difficult political decision I've made, he said at the time.
16 days later he has once again been elected prime minister.
Stockholm • Publicerad 9 juli 2021 • Uppdaterad 12 juli 2021
Parliament has elected the Socialdemokat party leader Stefan Lofven as prime minister in a vote on Wednesday 7th July .
Parliament has elected the Socialdemokat party leader Stefan Lofven as prime minister in a vote on Wednesday 7th July .Foto: Christine Olsson/TT

It was Vänsterpartiet that raised the question of no confidence in the government. V opposed the proposal to introduce competitive pricing for rented property.

Sverigedemokraterna, Moderaterna and Kristdemokraterna took the same line, and Stefan Lofven was voted down in parliament in a vote of no confidence.


Stefan Lofven chose to resign instead of calling for an extra election.

Här saknas innehåll

Moderat party leader Ulf Kristersson (M) is interviewed in parliament. M, KD, L and SD voted against Stefan Lofven as new prime minister.
Moderat party leader Ulf Kristersson (M) is interviewed in parliament. M, KD, L and SD voted against Stefan Lofven as new prime minister.Foto: Johan Jeppsson/TT

Speaker Andreas Norlén was commissioned to find a new prime minister.

Ulf Kristersson (M) was given the task, but he backed down. He could not count on getting the 175 votes necessary to take over.

So Stefan Lovfen was given another opportunity.

On Wednesday 7th July 173 members of parliament voted red (against), 116 voted green (for) and 60 voted yellow (abstained). And so Lofven can form a new government.

Leader of Centerpartiet, Annie Lööf. C abstained from voting on a new prime minister.
Leader of Centerpartiet, Annie Lööf. C abstained from voting on a new prime minister.Foto: Johan Jeppsson/TT

Här saknas innehåll

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