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Six men from Skåne in custody – major new drug bust under investigation: "Could take months"

Six young men from Skåne are in custody on suspicion of exceptionally gross drug offences – a crime that may result in ten years imprisonment.
Three of the men from Skåne were arrested on 22 February and three others were arrested the following day.
Kb/NSk has previously reported that two of the suspects are from the Kristianstad area.
The investigation may last for several months according to District Prosecutor, Tove Kullberg.
Kristianstad/Malmö/Bjärred • Publicerad 21 mars 2023

The drug offence, or offences, allegedly took place in part at a petrol station in Bjärred and in part on the E6 between Malmö and Kävlinge.

On February 22, a 21-year-old, an 18-year-old and a 23-year-old from the Skurup area were arrested. The trio are suspected of exceptionally gross drug offences at Circle K in Flädie, Bjärred. Staff at the petrol station have confirmed to Kb/NSk that the police were there at 3pm on February 22, but have otherwise referred all questions to the police.


The next day, on 23 February, the two 28-year-olds from Kristianstad and the Åhus area were arrested. In addition to those, a 26-year-old woman from Malmö was arrested. This trio are also suspected of exceptionally gross drug offences. The indicated crime scene is from an address in Malmö to the Lundåkra internchange on E6, in Kävlinge.

Sex skåningar är häktade – misstänkta för synnerligen grovt narkotikabrott.
Sex skåningar är häktade – misstänkta för synnerligen grovt narkotikabrott.Foto: Pontus Lundahl/TT

The investigation is now being led by District Prosecutor Tove Kullberg at the National Public Prosecution Department's Unit against Organised Crime (RIO).

– We do not currently have an indication of when criminal proceedings can begin. But it will probably take several months, she says.

Kb/NSk has been in contact with the lawyers who are representing the men from Kristianstad. Martin Nilsson, who is defending the 28-year-old from the Åhus area, did not want to give a statement at all.

Caroline Nord, who is representing the Kristianstad resident, states that her client denies the charges.

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