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Seven cases of poisoning at restaurants in Kristianstad – police issue warning

There have been seven cases of poisoning in Kristianstad on the weekend, where people have subsequently required hospital treatment thereafter.
All cases can be linked to the pub environment in the city.
– Pay attention when you are at the pub and be aware of anything that may put you in danger, says Peter Frostlund with the police.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 1 augusti 2023
Centralsjukhuset i Kristianstad, arkivbild.
Centralsjukhuset i Kristianstad, arkivbild.Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT

– Three people were affected yesterday evening and another four last night, says Peter Frostlund, on-duty officer with the police in Kristianstad.

Each person has unknowingly ingested something and then had to be taken to the A&E in Kristianstad with reduced consciousness. All of the cases have been linked to the pub environment in the city. There are at least two different outdoor venues.

Ingen av de förgiftade har skadats allvarligt.
Ingen av de förgiftade har skadats allvarligt.Foto: Simon Rehnström

The police initially speculated that it may be due to some kind of ”bad drug” that was sold at the pubs.

The poisonings have not resulted in any severe injuries.

– We are gathering information; however, there are too many cases for it to be a coincidence. So far, we have filed four reports of assault, says Peter Frostlund, suggesting that there may be more.

The police want to issue a warning to people visiting pubs in Kristianstad.

– Pay attention when you are at the pub and be aware of anything that may put you in danger, says Peter Frostlund.


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