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Risk of fires - Several municipalities ban fires

On Monday the municipalities in north-east Skåne introduced a ban on outdoor fires. These are the rules.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 10 augusti 2020
The municipalities in north-east Skåne have decided to ban fires out of doors
The municipalities in north-east Skåne have decided to ban fires out of doorsFoto: Hasse Holmberg/TT

After the heatwave there is a serious risk of fires in woods and grasslands. So the municipalities in north-east Skåne have decided to ban fires out of doors.

The ban comes into force on Monday 10th August. It means that it is forbidden to make a fire or grill out of doors on the ground.


You may light an outdoor grill in your own garden or in a special area for grilling. That is, where the risk of the fire spreading is low. But you must watch the fire carefully, so that the embers do not get spread around.

– You have a responsibility when you grill. This applies at all times, whether there is a ban on outdoor fires or not. If you disregard the ban, you may be liable to a fine, saysTomas Nordin, officer in charge at Räddningstjänsten Skåne Nordost.

The ban applies until further notice in the following municipalities: Bromölla, Hässlseholm, Hörby, Höör, Kristianstad, Osby and Östra Göinge.

Henrik NordellSkicka e-post
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