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Power cut at Näsby and Gamlegården

Parts of Näsby and Gamlegården are without electricity. The fault is expected to be repaired by this evening.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 23 februari 2022
Power cut at Gamlegården shopping centre.
Power cut at Gamlegården shopping centre.Foto: Sofyan Aswad

_– What we know at the moment is that it is affecting about 2,000 customers,says Sandra Müllerström, communicator at C4 Energi..Kristianstad

At 3.30 pm Gamlegården shopping centre was without power, as were a number of homes.

On C4 Energi's homepage it says the power-cut started at 3.15 pm. They expect to have repaired the fault by 9.15 pm.

Här saknas innehåll

They are trying to localise the fault.

At 4.12 pm C4 Energi was able to report that the power-cut had been partly repaired. But according to the company's map of the situation there are still 1,500 customers who are affected by the power-cut.

Mikael HallqvistSkicka e-post
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