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Paranoia at the laundry? Boss ordered spy equipment: 'To keep am eye on the place'

Mobile phones are gathered in at meetings.
At the laundry there is - or there has been - 'spy equipment' paid for with money from Region Skåne.
– It's for the laundry, to see if there are any microphones, one of the top bosses at the laundry says in a discussion with the HR department as a result of an alarm raised by a whistleblower.
Kristianstad • Publicerad 27 april 2023
Personer som arbetar på golvet har i sin tur berättat för Kb/NSk att de ombeds lämna in sina mobiltelefoner vid möten.
Personer som arbetar på golvet har i sin tur berättat för Kb/NSk att de ombeds lämna in sina mobiltelefoner vid möten.

Suspicion and watchfulness inside the laundry seem to be so widespread that bosses want to make sure that the workplace is not bugged and that there is no surreptitious filming on the premises.

People working in the laundry have, in their turn, told Kristianstadsbladet that they have been told to hand in their mobile phones at meetings.


Last October Region Skåne and Regionservice received a report via what is known as the whistleblower function. It concerns two people in high positions at Skånetvätt, now called Tvätt och Textil. The whistleblower accused the two bosses of theft.

Tvätt- och textil ligger invid CSK. Här tvättas, manglas, galgas, packas och sorteras tvätt.
Tvätt- och textil ligger invid CSK. Här tvättas, manglas, galgas, packas och sorteras tvätt.Foto: Bosse Nilsson

The investigation made by the region came to the conclusion that nothing untoward could be proved. So Region Skåne was freed from all suspicion. The boss has also ordered what he and another boss call 'spy equipment' to the workplace.He did this at the request of boss number two, as can be seen in the non-conformance report Regionservice's HR department drew up.

– For example it was used to check if there are cameras or anything similar in the rooms at the workplace, the boss says in the report. The other boss does not want to answer Kb/ NSk's questions as to what the 'spy equipment ' is until the newspaper has spoken to Lars Hagdahl, head of the HR department.

But it wasn't Lars Hagdahl who bought it, it was you, wasn't it?

– Yes, but since it's HR who are looking into the matter I'd like you to speak to them about it first .

That sounds strange, they know less about it than you do.

– I don't know if he knows any less.

What do you think of the working atmosphere at the laundry?

– HR is also involved in that , in the work situation at the laundry, so I'd like you to speak to HR about that as well.

I november i fjol då cheferna fick svara på frågor från HR-avdelningen uppgav de att "spionsaken” fanns kvar på tvätten, på ett kontor.
I november i fjol då cheferna fick svara på frågor från HR-avdelningen uppgav de att "spionsaken” fanns kvar på tvätten, på ett kontor.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

But the head of HR and HR don't work in the laundry, and you do.


–That's true, but of course we speak to one another because they are part of our organisation and our administration.

As to the question of what the 'spy equipment' is, one of the bosses says, according to the investigation

– It's for the laundry, to see if there are microphones - a scanner to check different rooms. This was because there was information limited to certain people, but outsiders knew about it. So that's why we ordered this, they said

Last November, when the bosses were asked to answer questions from the HR department they said that the 'spy equipment ' was still at the laundry, in an office.

Head of HR Lars Hagdahl says the 'spy equipment ' is used regularly at the laundry to keep track of equipment and check up on the logistics of the processes.

Tvätt och Textil levererar tvätt- och textiltjänster till Region Skåne, ofta till sjukhus.
Tvätt och Textil levererar tvätt- och textiltjänster till Region Skåne, ofta till sjukhus.Foto: Lasse Ottosson

What do you think about bosses at the laundry perhaps feeling uneasy because they may be monitored or bugged?

–There has been nothing strange about the process of buying itself. Everything has been done according to the rules.

But it can't be ruled out that people are afraid of being monitored or secretly filmed , that that is the purpose of the 'spy equipment'?

– I've no idea.

Sigrid NurboSkicka e-post
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