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Now it’s final: here’s who will govern Skåne and the region for four years

On Tuesday, M, L and KD were chosen as the parties that will govern Region Skåne for the next four years.
With the support of the Swedish Democrats.
– Is there no cooperation agreement? Citizens should know what such a thing looks like, said Henrik Fritzon (S).
Skåne • Publicerad 25 oktober 2022 • Uppdaterad 27 oktober 2022
Carl Johan Sonesson (M) fortsätter som regionstyrelsens ordförande i fyra år till. Henrik Fritzon (S) blir oppositionsråd och andre vice ordförande.
Carl Johan Sonesson (M) fortsätter som regionstyrelsens ordförande i fyra år till. Henrik Fritzon (S) blir oppositionsråd och andre vice ordförande.Foto: Johan Nilsson/TT

The Regional Council, which is Skåne's highest decision-making body, chose the new board on Tuesday following the election. This means that M, KD and L are forming a three-party coalition with 50 mandates.

But they have the support of SD on certain issues, which gives them 30 more mandates.

Nya regionstyrelsen med ersättare blir fotograferade i Rådhus Skåne.
Nya regionstyrelsen med ersättare blir fotograferade i Rådhus Skåne.Foto: Mikael Persson

– The information we received through the media about the board is rather scarce. My question is: is there a cooperation agreement between the parties? In that case, shouldn't it be made public? Asked Henrik Fritzon (S) before the choice was made.

– Yes, there is a declaration of intent between the three-party coalition and SD – that we will cooperate on the budget. Otherwise, SD is to be regarded as an opposition party, nothing has been formalised beyond that. But it is something we have accounted for and published, said Carl Johan Sonesson (M).

Irene Nilsson (S) från Hässleholm blev 1:e vice ordförande i regionfullmäktige, efter Annika Annerby Jansson (M).
Irene Nilsson (S) från Hässleholm blev 1:e vice ordförande i regionfullmäktige, efter Annika Annerby Jansson (M).Foto: Mikael Persson

After the exchange of words, Annika Annerby Jansson (M) was re-elected as Chairperson of the Regional Council.

Irene Nilsson (S) from Hässleholm became Second Vice-Chairperson. Johan Ohlin (SD) from Hörby was nominated as first vice. He will be formally elected later as he is presently a substitute and not eligible.


Regional Board members

• Carl Johan Sonesson (M), ordförande.

• Gilbert Tribo (L), förste vice ordförande.

• Henrik Fritzon (S), andre vice ordförande.

• Anna Jähnke (M).

• Anna Mannfalk (M).

• Anna-Lena Hogerud (S).

• Mattias Olsson (S).

• Carina Svensson (S).

• Niclas Nilsson (SD).

• Marlen Ottesen (SD).

• Paul Svensson (SD).

• Alexandra Thomasson (V).

• Per Einarsson (KD).

• Birte Sandberg (C).

• Mätta Ivarsson (MP).

Clifford JohansenSkicka e-post
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